The sensor assignment problem can include many sensor assets and targets of various types and effectiveness. Two different heuristics are used to develop a prioritized target list as an input to the assignment problem: rank order centroid weighting and pairwise ratio weighting. The rank order centroid weghting is much easier to implement in practice, but is also lower fidelity than pairwise ratio weighting.
To compare the performance of these heuristics in a simulated annealing search algorithm, we use a bounded temperature schedule and execute a screening design across three parameter settings and ten environmental factors. The rank order centroid weighting can produce a total expected value within 5% of the pairwise ratio comparison weighting method for this domain. The highest performing settings for the bounded temperature schedule for the rank order centroid method are high initial temperature (100), high maximum steps (1,000,000), and high decay rate (8) for problem instances up to 100 by 100 units. These settings and results are robust to changes in environment such as target value distribution, clustering, density, and type of target.
Input: Edit RUN OPTIONS at header
Output: .csv file containing results, command line progress indicator
Input: searchType, searchParameters, heuristic, initialState, numSearchSteps
Output: finalAssignment
Description: All input parameters as described above, produces final state from search.
Input: initialState, heuristic, numSearchSteps, initialTemperature, decayRate
Output: finalAssignment
Description: Implements Simulated Annealing as described in Russell and Norvig, 2010, page 126.
Input: currentStep (𝑘), numSearchSteps (𝐾), initialTemperature (𝑇0), decayRate (𝛼)
Output: currentTemperature (𝑇)
Description: 𝑇 = 𝑇0(1 − 𝑘/𝐾)^𝛼 from Press, et. al. 2007.
Input: initialState, heuristic
Output: nextState
Description: Implements hill climbing as described in Russell and Norvig, 2010, page 122. Note that the output is nextState, so the algorithm must be run in a loop until final state or max iterations reached.
Input: width, height, targetParameters, assetParameters
Output: None
Description: Constructor. Creates a randomized initial assignment of targets and assets on top of a grid environment, all of which are specified by the input parameters.
Input: assetIndex, gridIndex, type
Output: None
Description: Assigns an asset of a given type to a grid square for initial state, used by constructor.
Input: assetIndex, gridIndex
Output: None
Description: Assigns an asset to a grid location. If another asset is currently at that grid location, that is we start with (Asset A at Location A) and (Asset B at Location B), then the final configuration is (Asset B at Location A) and (Asset A at Location B).
Input: asset, grid, heuristic
Output: expectedValue
Description: Calculates the expected value of a single asset-target combination based on likelihood of detection and target value. The heuristic affects the effective target value.
Input: heuristic
Output: expectedValueTotal
Description: Calculates the total expected value of all asset-target combinations in an assignment, given a heuristic.
Input: xLocation, yLocation, index
Output: None
Description: Constructor. Defaults to an empty grid (no target present). Target parameters can be set using setters.
Input: grid (optional)
Output: None
Description: Constructor. Creates an asset with no assignment (optional: assigned to input grid).
Input: filename, numRuns, numCategoricalVariables, numNumericalVariables
Output: None
Description: Imports .csv input file as described earlier in the guide.
Input: filename, numRuns, numResponses, results
Output: None
Description: Writes .csv output file as described earlier in the guide.
Description: MersenneTwister Version 22 pseudo random number generator from