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A networking library for frame-based, performance focused asynchronous sockets on .NET


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A networking library for frame-based, performant asynchronous TCP sockets on .NET Core. Open permissive MIT license and requires a minimum of .NET Standard 1.3. Battle-tested and ready for production use.

Getting Started

NuGet Status

You can install the package using either the CLI:

dotnet add package ProtoSocket

or from the NuGet package manager:

Install-Package ProtoSocket


You can find three examples inside the project source code. An implementation of a Minecraft Classic server (very basic), a basic binary chat application and a one-way SSL secured chat application.

In the Minecraft example, you can type /text Moi moi or /texta Moi moi for 3D text to appear in your world.



In ProtoSocket, sockets are represented as peers, which can be either an inbound connection or an outgoing client connection. You can use Peer.Side to determine if a peer is a client or server connection. The library provides three ways of receiving packets from the opposing peer, it is safe to use all at once if your application requires.

  • IObserver<TFrame> subscriptions
  • Peer.Received event
  • ReceiveAsync tasks

When a TFrame has been decoded by your IProtocolCoder implementation, the peer needs to decide which receiever to inform. It prioritises responses to RequestAsync calls, followed by ReceiveAsync requests, and will not trigger the Received event or inform any subscribers if a frame is pulled from the peer this way.

For the Received event, the event handler will always be called when no ReceiveAsync operation is pending. Optionally the ReceivedEventArgs.Handled property may be set to true to indicate that the frame should not be passed to any subscriptions.

Finally if all other handlers have been called without conflict, any IObserver<TFrame> subscriptions will be called.


In the newer version of ProtoSocket, coders are implemented using System.IO.Pipelines. The same high-performance library powering ASP.NET Kestrel.

You can find a great tutorial on the .NET Blog here. Examples are available inside the repository, ChatCoder.cs and ClassicCoder.cs.

Your implementation simply needs to call PipeReader.TryRead, processing as much data as possible and either returning a frame (and true), or false to indicate you haven't got a full frame yet. The underlying peer will continually call your read implementation until you are able to output no more frames.

Protocol Modes

By default all peers are ProtocolMode.Active, this means the library will take care of reading as many frames from the opposing peer as possible. Calling your handlers/subscribers as necessary when a frame arrives. Note that if your peer is configured as ProtocolMode.Active, you should use the SubscriptionOptions.Flush option when using subscribers so that any frames in the queue are automatically sent to the subscribers.

In some cases this behaviour can cause problems. For example, if you have a complex negotiation process that involves upgrading the underlying protocol or modifying the frame structure, you don't want the library reading constantly and interpreting the data incorrectly.

You can declare the peer mode initially via the PeerConfiguration.Mode property, which is passed in the constructor to both ProtocolServer<> and ProtocolClient<>. You can also change the peer mode later on with the ProtocolPeer.Mode property, which will stop/start the asyncronous read loop as necessary.

In ProtocolMode.Passive mode, you must manually call ProtocolPeer.ReceiveAsync to receive frames. In this mode no IObserver subscriptions or event handlers will be called.


Many protocols are based, or support a request/reply based pattern for communication. This requires building a system to match responses to request frames, for simplicity ProtoSocket includes a mechanism to tell the peer how to match reply frames.

Once you explain how your frames are correlated, you can use the RequestAsync method. Which hides all the plumbing of correlating the results, returning a Task<TFrame> representing the response.

The following is an example frame with a 32-bit ID and a Body, every frame is request and response with both the request and the response having the same ID. The peer is response for incrementing and keeping track of ID's.

public class MyFrame : ICorrelatableFrame<MyFrame>
    // Stuff inside your frame.
    public int ID { get; set; }
    public byte[] Body { get; set; }

    // Gets the correlation ID, these should be equatable objects. The peer will check this if ShouldCorrelate returns true.
    object ICorrelatableFrame<MyFrame>.CorrelationId {
        get {
            return ID;

    // Unused, should always be true.
    bool ICorrelatableFrame<MyFrame>.HasCorrelation {
        get {
            return true;

    // If this frame should correlate, ignored when sending a frame, you should return true if this is a response
    // frame that should be correlated with a request. Optionally you can choose to drop (ignore) the frame if no request is found with the same correlation ID.
    bool ICorrelatableFrame<MyFrame>.ShouldCorrelate(out bool dropFrame) {
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    // Mutate the frame with a correlation.
    MyFrame ICorrelatableFrame<MyFrame>.WithCorrelation(object correlationId) {
        ID = (int)correlationId;
        return this;

You can change the ShouldCorrelate to suit your purposes, allowing you to have both request/reply and no-reply messages in the protocol you are implementing.

MyFrame response = await peer.RequestAsync(new MyFrame() {
	ID = 1,
	Body = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Hello!")

This API is currently not stable, I'm looking into cleaning in the next major version

Accept Modes

By default servers will continually accept new clients until the server is explicitly stopped, this behaviour is not always wanted as you can quickly accept more clients than your server is capable of processing.

One option is to apply a connection filter that prevents too many connections, however you can implement your own more fine-grained accept logic by accepting clients manually.

By setting ProtocolServer.AcceptMode to AcceptMode.Passive before starting the server, you are then responsible for calling ProtocolServer.AcceptAsync to accept new connections. You can optionally pass a cancellation token which will be checked if the operation has to accept multiple times, for example if a connection is filtered.

Raw Access

If your peer is in ProtocolMode.Passive, you can read/write directly to the data stream underneath the peer. Be warned that you will have to perform any synchronization yourself, and refrain from calling ReceiveAsync at the same time.

It is unsafe to use most other peer methods until you have finished with the data stream. If you close the stream the peer will close also.

Stream stream = peer.GetStream();

byte[] rawData = new byte[] { 0xCA, 0xFE, 0xBA, 0xBE };
await stream.WriteAsync(rawData, 0, rawData.Length);


In many scenarios creating an asynchronous operation and waiting for every packet to be sent is not ideal, for these use cases you can use the ProtocolPeer.Queue and ProtocolPeer.QueueAsync methods.

Queueing a packet does not provide any guarentee it will be sent in a timely fashion, it is up to you to call ProtocolPeer.SendAsync/ProtocolPeer.FlushAsync for any queued packets to be sent. If you want to queue packets but need to confirm or wait until they have been sent, you can use the ProtocolPeer.QueueAsync method.

This allows you to batch multiple frames together while still waiting until they are sent, the order will be retained. While the peer is thread-safe you will need to perform your own synchronization while queueing/sending to guarentee the order.

Task message1 = peer.QueueAsync(new ChatMessage() { Text = "I like books" });
Task message2 = peer.QueueAsync(new ChatMessage() { Text = "I like books alot" });
Task message3 = peer.QueueAsync(new ChatMessage() { Text = "I like eBooks too" });

// you can either call peer.FlushAsync elsewhere or wait until the next call to peer.SendAsync(TFrame/TFrame[]/etc)
await Task.WhenAll(message1, message2, message3);


In many scenarios you will want to perform an upgrade of the underlying transport connection, for example to support TLS/SSL connections. ProtoSocket provides an easy means of doing this via the IProtocolUpgrader<TFrame> interface. Upgrading a connection for versioned protocols, or changing the frame type is not supported and not the target use case of the upgrade API.

To upgrade the connection to SSL for example, use the pre-built SslUpgrader class. Note that flushing or sending frames on the peer will trigger an InvalidOperationException. You can queue frames however.

SslUpgrader upgrader = new SslUpgrader("");
upgrader.Protocols = SslProtocols.Tls | SslProtocols.Tls11;
await peer.UpgradeAsync(upgrader);

await peer.SendAsync(new ChatMessage() { Text = "Encrypted chat message!" });

You can also upgrade explicitly after connecting, preventing the underlying read loop from accidently interpreting upgraded traffic.

ProtocolClient client = new ProtocolClient(new MyCoder(), ProtocolMode.Passive);
SslUpgrader upgrader = new SslUpgrader("");
upgrader.Protocols = SslProtocols.Tls | SslProtocols.Tls11;

await client.UpgradeAsync(upgrader);
client.Mode = ProtocolMode.Active;

You can find an example of using SSL here.


In the newer versions of ProtoSocket you can request network statistics from the peer without dynamic allocation.

These statistics do not include any actions performed directly on the data stream, ie by peer.GetStream().

peer.GetStatistics(out PeerStatistics stats);

Console.WriteLine($"FramesIn: {stats.FramesIn}");
Console.WriteLine($"FramesOut: {stats.FramesOut}");


You can selectively decline incoming connections by adding a filter to the ProtocolServer object. If filtered, the connection will not be added to the server and the socket will be closed instantly.

A filter can be created manually by implementing IConnectionFilter, or you can use the premade classes AsyncConnectionFilter/ConnectionFilter which accept a delegate as their constructor.

server.Filter = new ConnectionFilter(ctx => ((IPEndPoint)ctx.RemoteEndPoint).Address != IPAddress.Parse(""));

You can optionally use the asyncronous filter, which will allow you to accept other connections in the background while processing your filter.

server.Filter = new AsyncConnectionFilter(async (ctx, ct) => {
	await Task.Delay(3000);
	return false;

Reusing Frames

In some cases you may want to pool/optimise your frames in such a way that managed buffers are reused between frames. You can achieve this by implementing IDisposable, which will result in Dispose being called automatically when the frame is flushed to the opposing peer. Allowing you to take back any resources for use by other frames. The peer will not dispose a frame after receiving, it is up to you to call Dispose when you have processed the frame.

public struct PooledFrame : IDisposable
	public byte[] Buffer { get; set; }
	public int Size { get; set; }

	public void Dispose() {

	public PooledFrame(int bufferSize) {
		Buffer = ArrayPool<byte>.Shared.Rent(bufferSize);
		Size = bufferSize;


Any pull requests or bug reports are welcome, please try and keep to the existing style conventions and comment any additions.