O projeto tem por base consolidar os conhecimento em Elixir e Phoenix, criando um jogo e API
🪧 Vitrine.Dev | |
✨ Nome | ExMon |
🏷️ Tecnologias | Elixir, Phoenix (tecnologias utilizadas) |
🚀 URL | https://url-deploy.com.br |
🔥 Desafio | https://url-do-desafio.com.br |
- Turn-based game where we have a player against the computer
- Human and computer start with 100 life points each
- Each round, each player can make one of 3 moves:
- Moderate attack dealing between (18-25) damage
- Varied attack dealing between (10-35) damage
- Healing power, restoring between (18-25) health
- After each move, the screen should display what happened and the situation of each player
- If either player or the computer reaches 0 health points, the game ends
- If someone loses, the final result should not display any player with negative health points
- The human player can choose the name of their character, as well as the name of their 3 moves.
play = ExMon.create_player("Alex", :chute, :soco, :cura)
life: 100,
moves: %{move_avg: :soco, move_heal: :cura, move_rnd: :chute},
name: "Alex"
==== The game is started! ====
computer: %ExMon.Player{
life: 100,
moves: %{move_avg: :kick, move_heal: :heal, move_rnd: :punch},
name: "Robotinik"
player: %ExMon.Player{
life: 100,
moves: %{move_avg: :soco, move_heal: :cura, move_rnd: :chute},
name: "Alex"
status: :started,
turn: :player
==== The player healled itself to 100 life points ====
==== It's computer turn. ====
%{computer: %ExMon.Player{
life: 100,
moves: %{move_avg: :kick, move_heal: :heal, move_rnd: :punch},
name: "Robotinik"
player: %ExMon.Player{
life: 100,
moves: %{move_avg: :soco, move_heal: :cura, move_rnd: :chute},
name: "Alex"
status: :continue,
turn: :computer
==== The computer healled itself to 100 life points ====
==== It's player turn. ====
%{computer: %ExMon.Player{
life: 100,
moves: %{move_avg: :kick, move_heal: :heal, move_rnd: :punch},
name: "Robotinik"
player: %ExMon.Player{
life: 100,
moves: %{move_avg: :soco, move_heal: :cura, move_rnd: :chute},
name: "Alex"
status: :continue,
turn: :player
If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding ex_mon
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:credo, "~> 1.7", only: [:dev, :test], runtime: false}