Fall 2021 Signals and Systems course at CEIT/AUT.
- Signals
- signal representation
- learn how to display signals
- how to work with matplotlib and numpy to represent signals
- special signals
- unit impulse
- heavyside
- complex signals
- signal representation
- Systems
- basic convulotion
- CT signals
- DT signals
- systems
- impact response
- complex systems
- basic convulotion
- Fourier series
- CT and DT fourier series
- Signal modulation
- amplify modulation
- fourier transform of DT and CT signals
- carrier signals
- AM and FM modulations
- bandpass filters
- filters
- demodulations
- amplify modulation
- Waves
- de-noising signals
- read wav files
- process signals
- filtering of noises
- equlizer
- create wav files
- amplfying signals
- de-noising signals
- python 3.8
- matplotlib
- numpy
- scipy