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Yeoman generator for creating new section/module/sub-module. This plugin does three things:

  1. Create folder and files necessary for new module
  2. Add script reference of generated files to index.html
  3. Inject module dependency to main module

Content of the created files follows the John Papa style guide. Refer my ionic seed project which this generator can best augment.

It doesn't scaffold entire project rather It helps you to add new modules in existing angular app following folder-by-feature directory structure.

Getting started

  • Install: npm install -g generator-ng-section
  • Run: yo ng-section of course you need to provide other arguments as explained below


yo ng-section <module name> [relative path] [--skip-add]

  • module name : required. It is the angular module name which you want to create. Folder/file names will be driven by this.
  • relative path: optional. Path to parent under which new folder will be created. It is relative to the www directory.
  • skip-add : optional flag. Pass this flag if you don't want to add the newly created components script reference in index.html and module dependency injection to main module(typically root > www > app > index.module.js.

If module name argument contains the period character ., say app.about, we consider only equivalent extension while creating folder/file name. However angular module name will still be the same as provided one.


When you invoke the command for the first time you will be asked to provide default path for your client source directory, main folder which contains the angular modules and main module file which contains all of the dependency of sub-modules.

Consider below project structure

├── node_modules/
├── www/ /* This is your source/client directory */
│   └── index.html
│   └── lib/
│   └── css/
│   └── app/ /* This is where your all modules resides */
│   └── about/
│       └── index.module.js /* This is where you define all your angular dependencies */

For this structure www is the client directory, app is the parentModule folder under which new folder/module will be created and app/index.module.js is the main module file where new module dependency would be injected.

You can specify these values when you run the command for the first time or by directly editing .yo-rc.json later as per your project structure.

If most of the time you want the new module to be created inside root > www > app > main you can specify main module parent path as app/main instead of default app i.e "appModulesParentPath": "app/main"

Once setup is done this file looks like below

  "generator-ng-section": {
    "promptValues": {
      "wwwPath": "www",
      "appModulesParentPath": "app",
      "mainModuleFilePath": "app/index.module.js"

In order to automatically inject the new module as a dependency, your main module file (index.module.js in this example) must have a dependency array requires as defined below

(function () {
    'use strict';

    var moduleName = 'app',
            requires = [                                
                // app core
                // home module


    angular.module(moduleName, requires);



yo ng-section about or yo ng-section about app or yo ng-section mymoule.someother.about

What do you get?

It will create a folder named about and other relevant files under root > www > app as shown below:

├── about/
│   └── about.module.js
│   └── about.route.js
│   └── about.service.js
│   └── about.controller.js
│   └── about.html

yo ng-section about --skip-add

It will create the above directory but neither script reference will be added to index.html nor the dependency of about module will be injected to index.module.js file.

Script reference addition: If build comment <!-- endbuild --> exists in the the index.html, reference is added just before last comment otherwise It is appended as a last child of <body> tag.

Providing relative path argument

yo ng-section about common or yo ng-section app.about common It will create about folder in the path root > www > common

yo ng-section somemodule my/nested/folder It will create somemodule folder in the path root > www > my > nested > folder

Plugin will automatically create non-existent directory.

Generated File Content

Refer example folder of this repository.

Request New Feature

Need new features? Please create a feature request on Github.
