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|___/ Query Retrieval
Image Query Retrieval is a tool that retrieves selected image information from a specific directory. It used for reporting and visualize your data lake.
# Install ImageMagick
$ sudo apt-get install imagemagick
# Colne IQR repo
$ git clone https://github.com/amughrabi/iqr.git
$ cd iqr
Cloning into 'iqr'...
It's really simple to use, just choose a directory from the lake and replace in the following command:
iqr.sh -e 'EXPRESSION' -l 'LOCATION' -o 'OUTPUT'
The EXPRESSION is the Long/Short Form Attribute Percent Escapes; for example, you can use '%[basename],%[width]x%[height],%[colorspace],%[quality],%[size]'
to reterive the name,WxH,COLORSPACE,QUALITY,SIZE
in your csv file.
The LOCATION is the directory that needs to be scanned.
The OUTPUT is the file log/csv/txt; etc. that need contains the output of the expression for each image.
$ iqr.sh -h
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|___/ Query Retrieval
iqr.sh [options] -e expression -l directory -o output.csv
-h, -help, --help Display help
-v, -version, --version Display version
-l, -location, --location Specify the root directory to start traversing the inode tree.
-e, -expression, --expression Specify Attribute Percent Escapes (https://imagemagick.org/script/escape.php)
to construct the expression for the output for each line; for example,
'%[basename]:%[colorspace]\n' will log a line something like 'tjn.jpg:sRGB'
-o, -output, --output Specify the output file; for example, output.csv.
-V, -verbose, --verbose Run script in verbose mode. Will print out each step of execution.
$ iqr.sh -e '%[basename],%[width]x%[height],%[colorspace],%[quality],%[size]' -l /home/amughrabi/drive/ -o /home/amughrabi/personal/drive.csv
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|___/ Query Retrieval
Scan : /home/amughrabi/drive/
Output : /home/amughrabi/personal/drive.csv
To See the results; Use : tail -f /home/amughrabi/personal/drive.csv
Started : 28-Jul-2019-06:13:48-+0300
Done : /home/amughrabi/personal/drive.csv
Ended : 28-Jul-2019-06:14:01-+0300
Took : 13 seconds.
If you like it, please * this project on GitHub to make it known:
If you have a large lake space and you need to see the progress, you can see the progress by using tail -f /home/amughrabi/personal/drive.csv
in a new terminal.
After the process is completed, use some visual tools such as Excel to understand what is going on in your lake.
You can also scan 1 image - Please note that if the -o
is not added to the command, the output of the expression will be on the console.
b$ iqr.sh -e '%[basename],%[width]x%[height],%[colorspace],%[quality],%[size]' -l ~/mughrabi.jpg
\_ \_ __ ___ __ _ __ _ ___
/ /\/ '_ ` _ \ / _` |/ _` |/ _ \
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\____/ |_| |_| |_|\__,_|\__, |\___|
|___/ Query Retrieval
Scan : /home/amughrabi/mughrabi.jpg
Started : 28-Jul-2019-06:16:54-+0300
Output :
Ended : 28-Jul-2019-06:16:54-+0300
Took : 0 seconds.
If you like it, please * this project on GitHub to make it known:
Passed - We tested it on 37502 images (Dataset details: https://www.kaggle.com/c/dogs-vs-cats). Make sure you have enough space to generate the output file.
For any kind of problem, please don't hesitate to open an issue here on GitHub.
Ahmad Al Mughrabi