Run cabal-install solver from inputs specified on the command line (most of them).
❯ cabal run -- cabal-solver-plan
Missing: (--with-ghc[=GHC] | --compiler-id ARG)
Usage: cabal-solver-plan (--with-ghc[=GHC] [--package-db GLOBAL|USER|PATH] |
--compiler-id ARG [--abi-tag ARG]
[(--compiler-id-compat ARG)] [(--language ARG)]
[(--extension ARG)] [--os OS] [--arch ARCH]
[--package-db PATH]) [--repository ARG]
[--index-state ARG]
[--pkgconfig-entry ARG | --use-system-pkgconfig]
[--constraint ARG] [--flag ARG] [--reorder-goals]
[--count-conflicts] [--fine-grained-conflicts]
[--minimize-conflict-set] [--independent-goals]
[--avoid-reinstalls] [--shadow-pkgs] [--strong-flags]
[--allow-boot-lib-installs] [--only-constrainted ARG]
[--max-backjumps ARG] [--enable-backjumping]
[--solve-executables] [--verbosity ARG]
[--prune-after-first-success] [--prefer-oldest]
[--cache-dir ARG] [--offline] [TARGET]
Use the system ghc:
❯ cabal run -- cabal-solver-plan --with-ghc
[__0] done
You need to specify one or more targets. E.g. let's find a plan for mtl
❯ cabal run -- cabal-solver-plan --with-ghc mtl
[__0] unknown package: mtl (user goal)
[__0] fail (backjumping, conflict set: mtl)
Exhaustive search failed
conflict set: mtl
conflict map: fromList [(P (Q (PackagePath DefaultNamespace QualToplevel) (PackageName "mtl")),1)]
Of course, what's mtl
after all?
❯ cabal run -- cabal-solver-plan --with-ghc --package-db global mtl
[__0] trying: mtl-2.2.2/installed-2.2.2 (user goal)
[__1] trying: base- (dependency of mtl)
[__2] trying: rts-1.0.2/installed-1.0.2 (dependency of base)
[__3] trying: ghc-prim-0.9.0/installed-0.9.0 (dependency of base)
[__4] trying: ghc-bignum-1.3/installed-1.3 (dependency of base)
[__5] next goal: transformers (dependency of mtl)
[__5] trying: transformers-
[__6] done
lib rts-1.0.2/installed-1.0.2
lib ghc-prim-0.9.0/installed-0.9.0
lib ghc-bignum-1.3/installed-1.3, ghc-prim-0.9.0/installed-0.9.0, rts-1.0.2/installed-1.0.2
lib base-
lib base-, transformers-
Something from hackage
cabal-solver-plan --with-ghc --package-db global --repository aeson
Loading repository1:, checking for updates ... updates available, refreshing the cache ...
Active repositories: repository1:merge
Total index-state: repository1 2023-08-04T02:18:50Z
[__0] trying: aeson- (user goal)
[140] trying: aeson:+ordered-keymap[141] done
aeson- +ordered-keymap
lib OneTuple-, QuickCheck-2.14.3, base-, bytestring-, containers-0.6.7/installed-0.6.7, data-fix-0.3.2, deepseq-, dlist-1.0, exceptions-0.10.5/installed-0.10.5, generically-0.1.1, ghc-prim-0.9.0/installed-0.9.0, hashable-, indexed-traversable-, integer-conversion-0.1, network-uri-, primitive-, scientific-, semialign-1.3, strict-0.5, tagged-0.8.7, template-haskell-, text-2.0.2/installed-2.0.2, text-iso8601-0.1, text-short-0.1.5, th-abstraction-, these-1.2, time-1.12.2/installed-1.12.2, time-compat-, unordered-containers-, uuid-types-1.0.5, vector-, witherable-0.4.2