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Notes on cosmological parameters and Lyman alpha simulations

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Notes on cosmological parameters and Lyman alpha simulations

It now contains different folders:

  • notes: LaTeX file with discussions on parameterizations
  • playground: several (disorganized) Jupyter notebooks to play around
  • setup_simulations: python code to setup grid of hydro simulations
  • lya_cosmo: interface with CAMB, and basic cosmology functions
  • lya_nuisance: modelling of nuisance astrophysics (mean flux, temperature...)
  • user_interface: example of CosmoMC module for the marginalized likelihood

Dependencies: Python version 3.6 or later is necessary due to CAMB version dependencies.

The following modules are required:





emcee version 3.0.2 (not earlier ones, they are significantly different apparently)

tqdm to work with emcee progress bar



CAMB version 1.1.3



To setup/run/postprocess simulations:


fake_spectra branch at which includes temperature rescalings in postprocessing




Parameter spaces:

Likelihood parameters:

These are the parameters that we will ultimately get posteriors for. For each set of likelihood parameters, N emulator calls are made, where N is the number of redshift bins in the data. The specific emulator calls to be made are determined using the lya_theory object, which maps between likelihood and emulator parameters.

The likelihood parameters are:

g_star f_star Delta2_star n_star alpha_star ln_tau_0 ln_tau_1 ln_sigT_kms_0 ln_sigT_kms_1 ln_gamma_0 ln_gamma_1 ln_kF_0 ln_kF_1

The IGM parameters represent a rescaling of a fiducial simulation run at the centre of the Latin hypercube for that suite. We perform this rescaling using a power law, where the index "0" represents the amplitude, and "1" represents the slope with redshift.

Emulator parameters:

These are the parameters that describe each individual P1D(k) power spectrum. We have detached these from redshift and traditional cosmology parameters.

sigT_Mpc alpha_p n_p gamma Delta2_p mF f_p kF_Mpc

Saving and loading emulator hyperparameters

The default operation of the emulator is currently to optimise a new set of hyperparameters on whichever training set it is initialised with. However for sampler runs we suggest setting the train=False flag, and use GPEmulator.load_default(). This will load a standardised set of hyperparameters (along with the appropriate parameter rescalings for the X training data) that are optimised on the entire suite.

Sampler information

Saved sampler chains

Note that I am currently not storing sampler chains in the repo as the file sizes are too large. This means that many of the notebooks in lya_sampler/notebooks will not run with a fresh clone of the repo. Will need to figure out a longer term solution to this.

Running a sampler

An example script can be found in lya_sampler/scripts/ with a corresponding config file example.config. The syntax to run is the following: python3 -c example.config. This script will create a new folder in lya_sampler/chains/, and store everything related to the sampler run there.

The prior volume is defined in free_param_limits in, where the list of the parameter limits must be the same as passed in free_params. If a Gaussian prior is chosen, the code is currently set up to centre the Gaussian prior around the truth in the chosen test simulation for the cosmology parameters, and the truth in the fiducial simulation for the IGM parameters.

The procedure of is as follows:

  1. Set up a P1D_MPGADGET data object. This reads the P1D from a selected test simulation and converts it into velocity units. Currently we are using the BOSS covariance matrices, z and k bins from Here we have the option to rescale the data covariance matrices by a uniform factor.
  2. Set up a training set for the Gaussian process emulator using ArxivP1D. Here we have the option to undersample simulations (using undersample_cube=2 to take 50% of the simulations, for example) or include postprocessing rescalings.
  3. Create an emulator object. Here we have several options to use different kernels (asymmetric, RBF only etc), use an indepedent GP at each redshift, or perform some mappings of the training data (reduce_var options). This script might be unstable experimenting with these options, so I suggest just using the default arguments with train=False, and then running GPEmulator.load_default() to load the standard hyperparameters.
  4. The P1D_MPGADGET and GPEmulator objects are then passed to a Likelihood object which contains our log_prob function. Here we set which free parameters we want to vary, define the prior volume, and chose priors. Set prior_Gauss_rms=-1 to use a uniform prior. Any other value will set the 1-sigma width of the prior in unit volume. Currently the same prior width is used for all parameters. There is also an option here to rescale the contribution of the emulator uncertainty to likliehood evalutions, using emu_cov_factor (default=1).
  5. The Likelihood object is then passed to the EmceeSampler. NB that when running in parallel, it is best to set OMP_NUM_THREADS=1, and multiprocessing.pool will automatically find the number of cores available on a given node and parallelise appropriately.
  6. Running the sampler with force_steps=True will force the sampler to run for whatever step number is set in the config file. Otherwise the default behaviour is to run until autocorrelation time convergence is reached, and the nsteps in the config file is just a ceiling.