The goal is to build a segmentation network, which uses SLIC Superpixels as input. In essense, it will be a classifier for superpixels. The end product is a system which, when given an image, computes superpixels and classifies each superpixel as one of the 9 classes of MSRC v1.
In the project:
- A classifier network is build to classify the superpixels into one of the 10 classes (including background or void).
- To extract the features of the superpixels pretrained VGG16 network is used.
- The following steps were taken:
For each image:
get superpixels sp_i for image x. We adopt 100 segments in this assignment, 'segments = slic(image, n_segments=100, compactness=10)'
for every superpixel sp_i in the image,
- find the smallest rectangle which can enclose sp_i
- dilate the rectangle by 3 pixels.
- get the same region from the segmentation image (from the file with similar name with *_GT). The class for this sp_i is mode of segmentation classes in that same region. Save the dilated region as npy (jpg is lossy for such small patches). Refer to the flow below:
Use pre-trained VGG16 network and replace the last few layers were replaced by fully connected layers to handle 10 classes.
- Multi-resoltution network was used to try to improve the performance of the existing network - Feedforward semantic segmentation with zoom-out features
- Used the pre-trained VGG16 model to extract the feature maps
- As the model is pre-trained, the feature maps were extracted before the training of the model.
- Approach:
- Split the MSRCv1 data into train and test
- For each image in the training/test data:
- Get the superpixel segmentation map using SLIC,
- Get the upsampled feature maps by feeding the image in the VGG16 network (13 from the 13 conv layers in VGG16),
- For the each superpixel in the segmentation map:
- Get the corresponding region the feature maps,
- Average pooling and converting into 1 x depth_of_ith_feature_map vector,
- Concatenating the all the vectors to represent the feature vector of that the partiular superpixel,
- Saving the feature vector along with the ground-truth label - Design a simple classifier (MLP network with hidden layers and one output layer of ten units). - Train the model with the feature vectors extracted from the VGGNet.
Image segmentation: