This is a sample accord template for internship contracts.
- Clone this repository
- cd into the directory
cd accord-internship-contract/
- run the following command
npm install
- There is sample contract data present in
- Run the following command and the output will be a JSON object containing age value.
npx cicero trigger
- To extract the data from contract text.
npx cicero parse --output data.json
- To update the contract text data there are two ways
- Change the data directly in text/ OR
- Update data.json then draft the contract text using
npx cicero draft --output text/
- The report on this project is generated using AsciiDoctor
- Install AsciiDoctor
- For Debian and Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install asciidoctor
- Install AsciiDoctor Diagram
gem install asciidoctor-diagram
- Generate html document
asciidoctor -r asciidoctor-diagram Report.adoc
- This will generate a Report.html file which can be opened using a browser.
- If you face an issues saying Cannot run program "/opt/local/bin/dot": error=2, No such file or directory
Then Install Graphviz
sudo apt install graphviz