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Official Flutter Plugin that adds Appodeal SDK support to your Flutter application.


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Appodeal Flutter

Official Appodeal Flutter Plugin for your Flutter application.

Appodeal SDK

  • Google CMP and TCF v2 Support

    • To enhance the relevance of ads for your users and comply with regulations like GDPR and CCPA, explicit user consent is required for collecting personal data.
    • We recommend using the Stack Consent Manager, built on Google User Messaging Platform (UMP), as a ready-made solution to obtain user consent.
    • Follow this instruction to configure Google UMP and set up a consent form.
    • If you have questions about Stack Consent Manager and Google UMP, please contact our support team.
  • AdMob Bidding Support

    • Download our newest version of AdMob Sync tool from this page and perform a sync.
    • Read more about AdMob Sync in our guide.
  • Already included ready-made consent solution

    • Starting from Appodeal SDK 3.0, during the first initialization, a ready-made consent window will be shown if the user is in regions covered by GDPR and CCPA. See more about this behavior
  • Support Monetization + UA + Analytics data services

    • Get insights and find out if your active UA campaigns bring you revenue or make you lose money.
    • Track your metrics with Firebase Keywords. Analyze how product A/B test (via Firebase remote config) affects both your product and monetization. See more about services

Table of Contents


Add the dependency to the pubspec.yaml file in your project:

  stack_appodeal_flutter: 3.3.3+1

Install the plugin by running the command below in the terminal:

$ flutter pub get



  • iOS 13.0 or higher. You still can integrate Appodeal SDK into a project with a lower value of minimum iOS version. However, on devices that don't support iOS 12.0+ our SDK will just be disabled.
  • Appodeal SDK is compatible with both ARC and non-ARC projects.
  • Use Xcode 15.3 or higher.
  1. Go to ios/ folder and open Podfile
  2. Add Appodeal adapters. Add pods into ./ios/Podfile:
source ''
source ''
source ''

platform :ios, '13.0'


def appodeal
  pod 'Appodeal', '3.3.3'
  pod 'APDAmazonAdapter', ''
  pod 'APDAppLovinAdapter', ''
  pod 'APDAppLovinMAXAdapter', ''
  pod 'APDBidMachineAdapter', ''
  pod 'APDBidonAdapter', ''
  pod 'APDBigoAdsAdapter', ''
  pod 'APDDTExchangeAdapter', ''
  pod 'APDGoogleAdMobAdapter', ''
  pod 'APDIABAdapter', ''
  pod 'APDInMobiAdapter', ''
  pod 'APDIronSourceAdapter', ''
  pod 'APDMetaAudienceNetworkAdapter', ''
  pod 'APDMintegralAdapter', ''
  pod 'APDMyTargetAdapter', ''
  pod 'APDPangleAdapter', ''
  pod 'APDSentryAdapter', ''
  pod 'APDUnityAdapter', ''
  pod 'APDVungleAdapter', ''
  pod 'APDYandexAdapter', ''
  pod 'AmazonPublisherServicesSDK', '4.9.7'
  pod 'AppLovinMediationAmazonAdMarketplaceAdapter', ''
  pod 'AppLovinMediationBidMachineAdapter', ''
  pod 'AppLovinMediationFacebookAdapter', ''
  pod 'AppLovinMediationFyberAdapter', ''
  pod 'AppLovinMediationGoogleAdManagerAdapter', ''
  pod 'AppLovinMediationGoogleAdapter', ''
  pod 'AppLovinMediationInMobiAdapter', ''
  pod 'AppLovinMediationIronSourceAdapter', ''
  pod 'AppLovinMediationMintegralAdapter', ''
  pod 'AppLovinMediationMyTargetAdapter', ''
  pod 'AppLovinMediationUnityAdsAdapter', ''
  pod 'AppLovinMediationVungleAdapter', ''
  pod 'AppLovinMediationYandexAdapter', ''
  pod 'BidMachineAmazonAdapter', ''
  pod 'BidMachineMetaAudienceAdapter', ''
  pod 'BidMachineMintegralAdapter', ''
  pod 'BidMachineMyTargetAdapter', ''
  pod 'BidMachinePangleAdapter', ''
  pod 'BidMachineVungleAdapter', ''
  pod 'BidonAdapterAppLovin', ''
  pod 'BidonAdapterBidMachine', ''
  pod 'BidonAdapterBigoAds', ''
  pod 'BidonAdapterDTExchange', ''
  pod 'BidonAdapterGoogleAdManager', ''
  pod 'BidonAdapterGoogleMobileAds', ''
  pod 'BidonAdapterInMobi', ''
  pod 'BidonAdapterMetaAudienceNetwork', ''
  pod 'BidonAdapterMintegral', ''
  pod 'BidonAdapterUnityAds', ''
  pod 'BidonAdapterVungle', ''

target 'Runner' do

  flutter_install_all_ios_pods File.dirname(File.realpath(__FILE__))

You can change following implementation to use custom mediation setup. See docs.

Note: Appodeal requires to use use_frameworks!. You need to remove Flipper dependency from Podfile and AppDelegate.

  1. Call pod install
  2. Open .xcworkspace
  3. Configfure info.plist.

Ad networks used in Appodeal mediation support conversion tracking using Apple's SKAdNetwork, which means ad networks are able to attribute an app install even when IDFA is unavailable. To enable this functionality, you will need to update the SKAdNetworkItems key with an additional dictionary in your Info.plist.

  • Select Info.plist in the Project navigator in Xcode
  • Right-click on Info.plist file → Open as → Source Code
  • Copy the SKAdNetworkItems from below and paste it into your Info.plist file
There is SKAdNetworks IDs in Info.plist format
App Transport Security

In order to serve ads, the SDK requires you to allow arbitrary loads. Set up the following keys in Info.plist of your app:

  • Go to your Info.plist file, then press Add+ anywhere in the first column of the key list.
  • Add App Transport Security Settings key and set its type to Dictionary in the second column.
  • Press Add+ at the end of the name App Transport Security Settings key and choose Allow Arbitrary loads. Set its type to Boolean and its value to Yes.
There is App Transport Security settings in Info.plist format
Other feature usage descriptions

To improve ad performance the following entries should be added:

  • NSUserTrackingUsageDescription - Starting from iOS 14, using IDFA requires permission from the user. The following entry must be added in order to improve ad performance.
  • NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription - Entry is required if your application allows Appodeal SDK to use location data.
  • NSCalendarsUsageDescription - Recommended by some ad networks.
There is Other feature usage descriptions settings in Info.plist format
<string><App Name> needs your advertising identifier to provide personalised advertising experience tailored to you</string>
<string><App Name> needs your location for analytics and advertising purposes</string>
<string><App Name> needs your calendar to provide personalised advertising experience tailored to you</string>
  1. Build your project



  • Android API level 21 (Android OS 5.0) or higher.
  1. Add Appodeal adapters.

Add dependencies into build.gradle (module: app)

dependencies {
    // ... other project dependencies
    implementation ('') {
        exclude group: '', module: 'adjust'
        exclude group: '', module: 'appsflyer'
        exclude group: '', module: 'firebase'
        exclude group: '', module: 'facebook_analytics'

Add repository into build.gradle (module: project)

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url "" }

Note: You can change following implementation to use custom mediation setup. See Docs.

  1. Network security configuration

Add the Network Security Configuration file to your AndroidManifest.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

In your network_security_config.xml file, add base-config that sets cleartextTrafficPermitted to true :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <base-config cleartextTrafficPermitted="true">
            <certificates src="system" />
    <domain-config cleartextTrafficPermitted="true">
        <domain includeSubdomains="true"></domain>
  1. Build your project

Admob configuration


Admob Bidding is now available since Appodeal SDK 3.2.0.
Don't forget to download our newest version of Admob Sync tool from this page and perform sync.
You can read more about Admob Sync in our guide.

  • How to add Admob Ad Network to your project:

    Add your AdMob app id to meta-data tag:

            <!-- Add your AdMob App ID -->

    Add your AdMob app id to Info.plist. Use the key GADApplicationIdentifier with the value being your AdMob app ID:

  • How to remove Admob Ad Network from your project:

    Change next dependencies into build.gradle (module: app)

    dependencies {
        // ... other project dependencies
        implementation('') {
            // ad networks
            exclude group: "", module: "admob"
            exclude group: "org.bidon", module: "admob-adapter"
            exclude group: "org.bidon", module: "gam-adapter"
            exclude group: "com.applovin.mediation", module: "google-adapter"
            exclude group: "com.applovin.mediation", module: "google-ad-manager-adapter"
            // services
            exclude group: '', module: 'adjust'
            exclude group: '', module: 'appsflyer'
            exclude group: '', module: 'firebase'
            exclude group: '', module: 'facebook_analytics'

    Remove next pods from Podfile:

    pod 'APDGoogleAdMobAdapter', ''
    pod 'BidonAdapterGoogleAdManager', ''
    pod 'BidonAdapterGoogleMobileAds', ''
    pod 'AppLovinMediationGoogleAdManagerAdapter', ''
    pod 'AppLovinMediationGoogleAdapter', ''


Please, read iOS and Android docs at wiki to get deeper understanding how Appodeal SDK Services works.


Add dependencies into build.gradle (module: app)

dependencies {
    // ... other project dependencies
    implementation ''

Add dependencies into Podfile

def appodeal
  // ... other project pods
  pod 'APDAdjustAdapter', ''


Add dependencies into build.gradle (module: app)

dependencies {
    // ... other project dependencies
  implementation ''

Add dependencies into Podfile

def appodeal
  // ... other project pods
  pod 'APDAppsFlyerAdapter', ''


Add dependencies into build.gradle (module: app)

dependencies {
    // ... other project dependencies
    implementation ''

Add dependencies into Podfile

def appodeal
  // ... other project pods
  pod 'APDFirebaseAdapter', ''


Add dependencies into build.gradle (module: app)

dependencies {
    // ... other project dependencies
    implementation ''

Add dependencies into Podfile

def appodeal
  // ... other project pods
  pod 'APDFacebookAdapter', ''
Tracking In-App Purchases

Note: In-App purchase tracking will work only with connection with Adjust/Appsflyer.

It's possible to track in-app purchase information and send info to Appodeal servers for analytics. It allows to group users by the fact of purchasing in-apps. This will help you to adjust the ads for such users or simply turn it off, if needed. To make this setting work correctly, please submit the purchase info via the Appodeal SDK.

  • For App Store:
final purchase = AppodealAppStorePurchase.nonConsumable(
    orderId: orderId,
    price: price,
    currency: currency,
    transactionId: transactionId,
    additionalParameters: {});
    purchase: purchase,
    onInAppPurchaseValidateSuccess: (purchase, errors) {},
    onInAppPurchaseValidateFail: (purchase, errors) {});
Parameter Description Usage
orderId Product purchased unique order id for the transaction. Adjust/AppsFlyer
price In-app event revenue. Adjust/AppsFlyer/Appodeal
currency In-app event currency. Adjust/AppsFlyer/Appodeal
transactionId Product purchased transaction id. Adjust/AppsFlyer
additionalParameters Additional parameters of the in-app event.
  • For Play Store:
final purchase = AppodealPlayStorePurchase.inapp(
    orderId: orderId,
    price: price,
    currency: currency,
    additionalParameters: {})
  ..sku = sku
  ..publicKey = publicKey
  ..signature = signature
  ..purchaseData = purchaseData
  ..purchaseToken = purchaseToken
  ..purchaseTimestamp = purchaseTimestamp
  ..developerPayload = developerPayload
    purchase: purchase,
    onInAppPurchaseValidateSuccess: (purchase, errors) {},
    onInAppPurchaseValidateFail: (purchase, errors) {});
Parameter Description Usage
purchaseType Purchase type. Must be InAppPurchase.Type.InApp or InAppPurchase.Type.Subs Adjust/AppsFlyer
publicKey Public key from Google Developer Console. AppsFlyer
signature Transaction signature (returned from Google API when the purchase is completed). Adjust/AppsFlyer
purchaseData Product purchased in JSON format (returned from Google API when the purchase is completed). AppsFlyer
purchaseToken Product purchased token (returned from Google API when the purchase is completed). Adjust
purchaseTimestamp Product purchased timestamp (returned from Google API when the purchase is completed). Adjust
developerPayload Product purchased developer payload (returned from Google API when the purchase is completed). Adjust
orderId Product purchased unique order id for the transaction (returned from Google API when the purchase is completed). Adjust
sku Stock keeping unit id. Adjust
price In-app event revenue. Adjust/AppsFlyer/Appodeal
currency In-app event currency. Adjust/AppsFlyer/Appodeal
additionalParameters Additional parameters of the in-app event.
Event tracking

Appodeal SDK allows you to send events to analytic services such as Firebase, AppsFlyer, Adjust and Meta using a single method:

Appodeal.logEvent("example_event_name", {
  "example_param_1": "example_param_value_1",
  "example_param_2": 123


Please, read iOS and Android docs at wiki to get deeper understanding how Appodeal SDK works.


  1. Initialise Appodeal at application launch. To initialize Appodeal SDK use this following method:
    adTypes: [
    onInitializationFinished: (errors) => {});

Note: Make sure to replace "YOUR_APPODEAL_APP_KEY" with the actual app key.

Use the type codes below to set the preferred ad format:

  • AppodealAdType.Interstitial for interstitial.
  • AppodealAdType.RewardedVideo for rewarded videos.
  • AppodealAdType.Banner for banners.
  • AppodealAdType.MREC for 300*250 banners.
  1. Configure SDK
  • General configuration

Call this method before initilisation

// Set ad auto caching enabled or disabled
// By default autocache is enabled for all ad types
Appodeal.setAutoCache(AppodealAdType.Interstitial, false); //default - true

// Set testing mode
Appodeal.setTesting(false); //default - false

// Set Appodeal SDK logging level
Appodeal.setLogLevel(Appodeal.LogLevelVerbose); //default - Appodeal.LogLevelNone

// Enable or disable child direct threatment
Appodeal.setChildDirectedTreatment(false); //default - false

// Disable network for specific ad type
Appodeal.disableNetwork("admob", AppodealAdType.Interstitial);
  • Segments and targeting.
// Set segment filter
Appodeal.setCustomFilter("levels_played", "levelsPlayed");

// Set extras
Appodeal.setExtraData("attribuition_id", "some value");
  • Banner specific
// Enable or disable tablet banners.
Appodeal.setTabletBanners(false); //default - false

// Enable or disable smart banners. 
// iOS smart banners are supported only for applications where autorotation is disabled
Appodeal.setSmartBanners(false); //default - false

// Enable or disable banner refresh animation
Appodeal.setBannerAnimation(true); //default - true
  • Android specific
// Mute calls if calls muted on Android
Appodeal.muteVideosIfCallsMuted(bool); //default - false

// Enable or disable banner auto resume screen. 
Appodeal.setAdViewAutoResume(true); //default - true
  • Ad revenue information
// If you want to get revenue information you can use request callback.
// Called every time when SDK receives a revenue information for an ad.
Appodeal.setAdRevenueCallbacks(onAdRevenueReceive: (adRevenue) => {});


Set callbacks listener to get track of ad lifecycle events.

  1. Banner
        onBannerLoaded: (isPrecache) => {},
        onBannerFailedToLoad: () => {},
        onBannerShown: () => {},
        onBannerShowFailed: () => {},
        onBannerClicked: () => {},
        onBannerExpired: () => {});
  1. MREC
        onMrecLoaded: (isPrecache) => {},
        onMrecFailedToLoad: () => {},
        onMrecShown: () => {},
        onMrecShowFailed: () => {},
        onMrecClicked: () => {},
        onMrecExpired: () => {});
  1. Interstitial
        onInterstitialLoaded: (isPrecache) => {},
        onInterstitialFailedToLoad: () => {},
        onInterstitialShown: () => {},
        onInterstitialShowFailed: () => {},
        onInterstitialClicked: () => {},
        onInterstitialClosed: () => {},
        onInterstitialExpired: () => {});
  1. Rewarded video
        onRewardedVideoLoaded: (isPrecache) => {},
        onRewardedVideoFailedToLoad: () => {},
        onRewardedVideoShown: () => {},
        onRewardedVideoShowFailed: () => {},
        onRewardedVideoFinished: (amount, reward) => {},
        onRewardedVideoClosed: (isFinished) => {},
        onRewardedVideoExpired: () => {},
        onRewardedVideoClicked: () => {});


Note: All presentation specific methods are available only after SDK initialisation

  1. Caching

If you disable autocache you should call cache method before trying to show any ad

  1. Check that ad is loaded and can be shown
// Check that interstitial
var isCanShow = await Appodeal.canShow(AppodealAdType.Interstitial);
// Check that interstitial is loaded
var isLoaded = await Appodeal.isLoaded(AppodealAdType.Interstitial);
  1. Show advertising
// Show interstitial;

// Show banner; // Display banner at the bottom of the screen; // Display banner at the top of the screen; // Display banner at the left of the screen; // Display banner at the right of the screen

// Show interstitial for specific pacement, “placementName”);
  1. Hide

You can hide banner/MREC ad after it was shown. Call hide method with another ad types won't affect anything

Appodeal.hide(AppodealAdType.BannerTop); //AppodealAdType.MREC
  1. Destroy

To free memory from hidden banner/MREC call the code below:

Appodeal.destroy(AppodealAdType.Banner); //AppodealAdType.MREC

Ad View

Display banner/MREC ad view at a custom position

Note: Ad View presentation support only fixed banners size - 320x50 and 300x250.

To display a Banner view add widget:

child: AppodealBanner(adSize: AppodealBannerSize.BANNER, placement: "default");

To display a MREC view add widget:

child: AppodealBanner(adSize: AppodealBannerSize.MEDIUM_RECTANGLE, placement: "default");

Privacy Policy and Consent

Note: Keep in mind that it’s best to contact qualified legal professionals, if you haven’t done so already, to get more information and be well-prepared for compliance.

The General Data Protection Regulation, better known as GDPR, took effect on May 25, 2018. It’s a set of rules designed to give EU citizens more control over their personal data. Any businesses established in the EU or with users based in Europe are required to comply with GDPR or risk facing heavy fines. The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) went into effect on January 1, 2020. We have put together some resources below to help publishers understand better the steps they need to take to be GDPR compliant.

Note: You can learn more about GDPR and CCPA and their. differences here.

Step 1: Update Privacy Policy

1.1 Make sure your privacy policy includes information about advertising ID collection. Don’t forget to add information about IP address and advertising ID collection, as well as the link to Appodeal’s privacy policy to your app’s privacy policy in Google Play and App Store.

To speed up the process, you could use privacy policy generators —just insert advertising ID, IP address, and location (if you collect a user’ location) in the "Personally Identifiable Information you collect" field ( in line with other information about your app) and the link to Appodeal’s privacy policy in "Link to the privacy policy of third party service providers used by the app".

1.2 Add a privacy policy to your mobile app. You must add your explicit privacy policies in two places: your app’s Store Listing page and within your app.

You can find detailed instructions on adding your privacy policy to your app on legal service websites. For example, Iubenda, the solution tailored to legal compliance, provides a comprehensive guide on including a privacy policy in your app.

Make sure that your privacy policy website has an SSL-certificate—this point might seem to be obvious, but it’s still essential.

Here’s are two useful resources that you can utilize while working on your app compliance: Privacy, Security and Deception regulations (by Google Play) Recommendations on Developing a Meaningful Privacy Policy (by Attorney General California Department of Justice)

Note: Please note that although we’re always eager to back you up with valuable information, we’re not authorized to provide any legal advice. It’s important to address your questions to lawyers who work specifically in this area.

Step 2: Appodeal Consent Solution

In order for Appodeal and our ad providers to deliver ads that are more relevant to your users, as a mobile app publisher, you need to collect explicit user consent in the regions covered by GDPR and CCPA.

To get consent for collecting personal data of your users, we suggest you use a ready-made solution - Stack Consent Manager based on Google User Messaging Platform (UMP).


STARTING FROM APPODEAL SDK 3.0, STACK CONSENT MANAGER IS INCLUDED BY DEFAULT. Consent will be requested automatically on SDK initialization, and consent form will be shown if it is necessary without any additional calls.

If you wish, you can manage and update consent manually using Stack Consent Manager calls.

  • Force Present Consent Form
// Load consent window
  appKey: exampleAppodealKey,
  onConsentFormLoadSuccess: (status) {},
  onConsentFormLoadFailure: (error) {},

// Show consent window
  onConsentFormDismissed: (error) {},
  • Force Present Consent Form only when consent is required
  appKey: exampleAppodealKey,
  onConsentFormDismissed: (error) {},
  • Revoke Consent


The app-ads.txt file is a text file which provides a mechanism for publishers to declare their authorized digital sellers.

You can find detailed information here.

App Tracking Transparency

Starting in iOS 14.5, IDFA will be unavailable until an app calls the App Tracking Transparency framework to present the app-tracking authorization request to the end-user. If an app does not present this request, the IDFA will automatically be zeroed out, which may lead to a significant loss in ad revenue.

You can read more about App Tracking Transparency in our guide.

To display the App Tracking Transparency authorization request for accessing the IDFA, update your Info.plist to add the NSUserTrackingUsageDescription key with a custom message describing the usage.

<string>This identifier will be used to deliver personalized ads to you.</string>