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Smart contracts for Sphinx

This repository contains smart contracts required for on-chain verification of Sphinx proofs.

To install Solidity contracts in your Foundry project:

forge install argumentcomputer/sphinx-contracts@main --no-commit

To install Move contracts, add following dependency to your Move.toml file:

plonk-core = { git = "", rev = "main", subdir = "move" }

and also use plonk_verifier_addr

Updating the contracts

To update the Solidity contracts, just download Sphinx artifacts using specific version and copy *.sol files into contracts/src:

cp ~/.sp1/circuits/plonk_bn254/<VERSION>/*.sol contracts/src/

The Move contracts need to be updated manually, by looking at actual Solidity diff. Usually contracts update is actually a changing of the constants' values.

In order to test the new version of contracts, copy the newly compiled ELF file from fibonacci integration test to the sphinx-proof/fibonacci-elf path of this repository and generate proof using new correspondent sphinx version:

RUST_LOG=info cargo run --package sphinx-proof --release

then copy-paste output to the relevant places in Move / Solidity tests.

You also need to update manually the version tag in VERSION() function and the value of the hash in the VERIFIER_HASH() function from solidity/src/SphinxVerifier.sol. In Move contracts the verifier hash is stored in VERSION_1082_TESTNET constant from move/sources/utilities.move source file.

The first value can be taken directly from Sphinx, while the second is printed while running sphinx-proof program.

Finally, to test updated Solidity contracts:

cd solidity
forge test

and Move contracts:

aptos move compile --named-addresses plonk_verifier_addr=testnet
aptos move test --named-addresses plonk_verifier_addr=testnet

Additionally, it is necessary to publish (deploy) Move contract in order to re-use it as a dependency in higher-level project (in Aptos testnet):

aptos move publish --named-addresses plonk_verifier_addr=testnet --profile testnet --assume-yes