Sigma Simon is a node-served Radio Bot created using discord.js and ffmpeg packages. Current use is isolated to Sigma Draconis Games, and assists in player interaction on our Space Engineers cluster.
The only prerequisites to using the radio bot is a system installation of node.js, an internet connection, and a fresh Discord bot setup via the Discord Developer Portal.
Sigma Simon can be installed by running npm install
on the unzipped root directory. This will install all necessary dependencies and get the bot ready for use.
Once you've installed all dependencies, you can add your Discord Bot's token to config.json
found in the root directory.
You are all set! Sigma Simon is now ready for use.
To initialize the Radio Bot, navigate to the root directory from terminal and run node main.js
. You will see an initialization response confirming the bot is now active.
The Radio Bot currently uses static-mapping of commands, but will be updated to dynamic-mapping in the near future. The bot currently supports 6 commands:
=> fetches audio files and begins playing the Radio Bot in the command author's current voice channel
=> stops the Radio Bot and disconnects it from the current voice channel
=> skips the current track and proceeds to the next in queue without transition
=> saves state of current track and pauses the stream
=> resumes stream from last state
=> leaves the current voice channel and kills the node.js process