To make radius service utilize the REUSE_PORT feature just add the following to the sockets options:
{reuseport, N}
Where N is amount of workers which must be listen the port
-export([start/0, stop/0, handle_request/3]).
-define(SERVICE_NAME, test_radius_server).
start() ->
{ok, _Started} = application:ensure_all_started(radius),
lists:foreach(fun radius_dict:add/1, radius_dict_file:load("dictionary")),
Nas = #nas_spec{name = nas1, ip = {ip, {127,0,0,1}}, secret = "testing123"},
ServiceOpts = [
{ip, {0,0,0,0}},
{port, 1812},
{callback, ?MODULE}
radius:start_service(?SERVICE_NAME, ServiceOpts),
radius:add_client(?SERVICE_NAME, Nas).
stop() ->
handle_request(Type, Request, Client) ->
io:format("Type: ~p~nRequest: ~p~nClient: ~p~n", [Type, Request, Client]),
Response = #radius_packet{code = ?ACCESS_ACCEPT, attrs = []},
{ok, Response}.
handle_error(Reason, Data) ->
io:format("Reason: ~p, Data: ~p~n", [Reason, Data]).
send() ->
{ok, _Started} = application:ensure_all_started(radius),
lists:foreach(fun radius_dict:add/1, radius_dict_file:load("dictionary")),
{ok, Pid} = radius_client:start_link({127, 0, 0, 1}, 1812, "testing123"),
Attrs = [
{"User-Name", "john"},
{"Password", "secret"}
Reply = radius_client:send(Pid, ?ACCESS_REQUEST, Attrs),
io:format("Reply: ~p~n", [Reply]),
All parts of this software are distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 terms.