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Autofac Documentation

Usage and API documentation for Autofac and integration libraries.

Documentation Status

Check out the Autofac documentation at!

Updating the User Documentation Site

User documentation is viewable at (a CNAME to It is stored in the /docs folder in this source repo.

To build the docs and see them locally, you need to follow the Getting Started docs on Read The Docs so you get Python and Sphinx installed.

The docs are written in reStructuredText, which is very similar to Markdown but not quite. References below.

Updates to the documentation checked into the /docs folder will automatically propagate to Read The Docs. No build or separate push is required.

There is support for converting PlantUML (.puml) documents into PNG images for easier diagramming. Run npm watch to start the generation. Diagrams only get generated on change and will not be rebuilt/regenerated without a change.


  1. Install Python 3.x
  2. Install Sphinx: pip install sphinx sphinx-autobuild
  3. Build the docs after you edit them. There should be NO errors or warnings: make html


Updating API Documentation

The API documentation is hosted on and the rendered/built docs are in there. This repository has the project that enables building the doc (a manual process) but publishing is a separate step.

The Placeholder project holds references to the various Autofac packages to document. Use that as the basis for gathering the list of doc sources.

Adding/Updating Doc Sources

  1. Add or update the NuGet package to the Placeholder project.
  2. Open the app.config for the Placeholder project and copy the assembly binding redirects to the appropriate location in Documentation.shfbproj. These are required for the documentation project to obey redirects.

Building the Documentation

Run msbuild Documentation.proj to kick off the build. This will restore required NuGet packages, build the Placeholder project, and run documentation on the Autofac referenced assemblies. You may need to install the Visual Studio 2017 build tools to get this to work. If you see errors/failing about unrecognized ToolsVersion - that's the missing build tools.

The build generates a lot of warnings. These indicate where we're missing documentation. (If you're looking to submit a PR, better API docs is a good thing...)

Build output gets put in the artifacts folder.

The contents of artifacts\doc\Website is what gets copied to the repo.