This repo lets you build
for Android (arm64
You only need this if you want to build an Android app that runs a true native node
via the Java Native Interface, and you know what you're doing.
If you just want to use node
on your Android, get it on Termux
. If you just want to run some JS, use WebView
- Get an Android
device. I use a Pixel. - Get Termux.
- Get a shell into Termux.
git clone
this repocd
into this repo- Run:
./configure --shared
LDFLAGS="-llog" make -j2 # this will take like an hour
file ./out/Release/ # this is your output library; copy it somewhere
g++ node.cpp -std=c++14 -L./out/Release/ -I. -I./deps/v8/include -I./deps/uv/include -o ./out/Release/ # build node binary stub
LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$(pwd)/out/Release/" ./out/Release/ # start node
patchelf --replace-needed ./out/Release/ # need this if libnode soname is changed
readelf -d ./out/Release/ # list soname dependencies
Mostly this repo has some light hacks that made the node build compatible with the Android native toolchain.