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fix(nexus): coin type should be ICS20 if the coin is from external cosmos chain #2947

fix(nexus): coin type should be ICS20 if the coin is from external cosmos chain

fix(nexus): coin type should be ICS20 if the coin is from external cosmos chain #2947

name: Ensure EVM module migration when bytecode changes
- pull_request
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v4
fetch-depth: '0'
ref: ${{ inputs.branch }}
submodules: recursive
- name: Compare bytecode version to previous tagged version
run: |
tag=$(git tag --list --merged HEAD --sort=-v:refname | head -n 1)
current_commit=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
echo "Comparing current branch with tag $tag"
if git diff -s --exit-code "$tag" -- ./contract-artifacts; then
echo "The contract version has not changed, no need to enforce a migration"
exit 0
echo "The contract version has changed"
# Check out the latest tag, increment the consensus version and check if it matches the version in the current commit
git checkout -q "$tag" $evm_module
perl -i -pe 's/(?<=^func \(AppModule\) ConsensusVersion\(\) uint64 \{ return )(\b\d+\b)(?= }$)/$1+1/me' $evm_module
if git diff "$current_commit" --exit-code $evm_module | grep ConsensusVersion > /dev/null; then
echo "EVM module consensus version needs to be incremented"
exit 1
echo "EVM module consensus version has been incremented"