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🔑 Token based authentication service for Angular with multi-user support. Works best with the devise token auth gem for Rails.


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Token based authentication service for Angular with multiple user support. Angular2-Token works best with the devise token auth gem for Rails. Angular2-Token is currently in Beta. Any contribution is much appreciated.

A sample application can be found here.



  • Webpack (SystemJS not tested)
  1. Install Angular2-Token via NPM with

    npm install angular2-token
  2. Import and add Angular2TokenService to your main module. Angular2TokenService depends on HttpModule and RouterModule, so make sure you import them too.

    import { Angular2TokenService } from 'angular2-token';
        imports: [
        declarations: [ AppComponent ],
        providers:    [ Angular2TokenService ],
        bootstrap:    [ AppComponent ]
  3. Inject Angular2TokenService into your main component and call .init().

    constructor(tokenService: Angular2TokenService) {

Quickstart (αlpha)

Quickstart includes the necessary forms and routing to quickly use Angular2-Token with your Project. A live demo can be found here.

Quickstart is currently in αlpha, please use with caution.


  1. Add A2tUiModule to your main module.
    import { Angular2TokenService, A2tUiModule } from 'angular2-token';
        imports: [
        declarations: [ AppComponent ],
        providers:    [ Angular2TokenService ],
        bootstrap:    [ AppComponent ]

The A2tUiModule adds the following routes to your project:

Route Description
session/sign-in Sign in form
session/sign-up Sign out form
session/reset-password Reset password form
session/update-password Update password for email redirect

On successful sign in the user will be redirect to restricted.



Configuration options can be passed as Angular2TokenOptions via .init().

Default Configuration

constructor(private tokenService: Angular2TokenService) {
        apiBase:                    null,
        apiPath:                    null,

        signInPath:                 'auth/sign_in',
        signInRedirect:             null,
        signInStoredUrlStorageKey:  null,

        signOutPath:                'auth/sign_out',
        validateTokenPath:          'auth/validate_token',
        signOutFailedValidate:      false,

        registerAccountPath:        'auth',
        deleteAccountPath:          'auth',
        registerAccountCallback:    window.location.href,

        updatePasswordPath:         'auth',
        resetPasswordPath:          'auth/password',
        resetPasswordCallback:      window.location.href,

        oAuthBase:                  window.location.origin,
        oAuthPaths: {
            github:                 'auth/github'
        oAuthCallbackPath:          'oauth_callback',
        oAuthWindowType:            'newWindow',
        oAuthWindowOptions:         null,

        userTypes:                  null,

        globalOptions: {
            headers: {
                'Content-Type':     'application/json',
                'Accept':           'application/json'
Options Description
apiBase?: string Sets the server for all API calls.
apiPath?: string Sets base path all operations are based on
signInPath?: string Sets path for sign in
signInRedirect?: string Sets redirect path for failed CanActivate
signInStoredUrlStorageKey?: string Sets locale storage key to store URL before displaying signIn page
signOutPath?: string Sets path for sign out
validateTokenPath?: string Sets path for token validation
signOutFailedValidate?: boolean Signs user out when validation returns a 401 status
registerAccountPath?: string Sets path for account registration
deleteAccountPath?: string Sets path for account deletion
registerAccountCallback?: string Sets the path user are redirected to after email confirmation for registration
updatePasswordPath?: string Sets path for password update
resetPasswordPath?: string Sets path for password reset
resetPasswordCallback?: string Sets the path user are redirected to after email confirmation for password reset
userTypes?: UserTypes[] Allows the configuration of multiple user types (see Multiple User Types)
globalOptions?: GlobalOptions Allows the configuration of global options (see below)
oAuthBase?: string Configure the OAuth server (used for backends on a different url)
oAuthPaths?: { [key:string]: string } Sets paths for sign in with OAuth
oAuthCallbackPath?: string Sets path for OAuth sameWindow callback
oAuthWindowType?:string` Window type for Oauth authentication
oAuthWindowOptions?: { [key:string]: string } Set additional options to pass into

Global Options

Options Description
headers?: { [key:string]: string; } Define custom global headers as hashmap. Be careful when overwriting the default options, devise token auth will refuse requests without the Content-Type-Header set

Further information on paths/routes can be found at devise token auth

Service Methods

Once initialized Angular2TokenService offers methods for session management.


The signIn method is used to sign in the user with email address and password. The optional parameter type specifies the name of UserType used for this session.

signIn({email: string, password: string, userType?: string}): Observable<Response>


    email:    '',
    password: 'secretPassword'
    res =>      console.log(res),
    error =>    console.log(error)


The signOut method destroys session and session storage.

signOut(): Observable<Response>


    res =>      console.log(res),
    error =>    console.log(error)


Sends a new user registration request to the Server.

registerAccount({email: string, password: string, passwordConfirmation: string, userType?: string}): Observable<Response>


    email:                '',
    password:             'secretPassword',
    passwordConfirmation: 'secretPassword'
    res =>      console.log(res),
    error =>    console.log(error)


Deletes the account for the signed in user.

deleteAccount(): Observable<Response>


    res =>      console.log(res),
    error =>    console.log(error)


Validates the current token with the server.

validateToken(): Observable<Response>


    res =>      console.log(res),
    error =>    console.log(error)


Updates the password for the logged in user. updatePassword({password: string, passwordConfirmation: string, passwordCurrent: string, userType?: string, resetPasswordToken?: string}): Observable<Response>


    password:             'newPassword',
    passwordConfirmation: 'newPassword',
    passwordCurrent:      'oldPassword',
    resetPasswordToken:   'resetPasswordToken',
    res =>      console.log(res),
    error =>    console.log(error)


Request a password reset from the server.

resetPassword({email: string, userType?: string}): Observable<Response>


    email: '',
    res =>      console.log(res),
    error =>    console.log(error)


Initiates OAuth authentication flow. Currently, it supports two window modes: newWindow (default) and sameWindow (settable in config as oAuthWindowType).

  • When oAuthWindowType is set to newWindow, .signInOAuth() opens a new window and returns an observable.

  • When oAuthWindowType is set to sameWindow, .signInOAuth() returns nothing and redirects user to auth provider. After successful authentication, it redirects back to oAuthCallbackPath. Application router needs to intercept this route and call processOAuthCallback() to fetch AuthData from params.

signInOAuth(oAuthType: string)


    res =>      console.log(res),
    error =>    console.log(error)


Fetches AuthData from params sent via OAuth redirection in sameWindow flow.



Callback route:

  { path: 'oauth_callback', component: OauthCallbackComponent }

Callback component:

  template: ''
export class OauthCallbackComponent implements OnInit {
  constructor(private tokenService: Angular2TokenService) {}

  ngOnInit() {

HTTP Service Wrapper

Angular2TokenService wraps all standard Angular2 Http Service calls for authentication and token processing. If apiPath is configured it gets added in front of path.

  • get(url: string, options?: RequestOptionsArgs): Observable<Response>
  • post(url: string, body: any, options?: RequestOptionsArgs): Observable<Response>
  • put(url: string, body: any, options?: RequestOptionsArgs): Observable<Response>
  • delete(url: string, options?: RequestOptionsArgs): Observable<Response>
  • patch(url: string, body: any, options?: RequestOptionsArgs): Observable<Response>
  • head(url: string, options?: RequestOptionsArgs): Observable<Response>
  • options(url: string, options?: RequestOptionsArgs): Observable<Response>


this.tokenService.get('my-resource/1').map(res => res.json()).subscribe(
    res =>      console.log(res),
    error =>    console.log(error)

Multiple User Types

An array of UserType can be passed in Angular2TokenOptions during init(). The user type is selected during sign in and persists until sign out. .currentUserType returns the currently logged in user.


    userTypes: [
        { name: 'ADMIN', path: 'admin' },
        { name: 'USER', path: 'user' }

    email:    '',
    password: 'secretPassword',
    userType: 'ADMIN'

this.tokenService.currentUserType; // ADMIN

Route Guards

Angular2-Token implements the CanActivate interface, so it can directly be used as a route guard. If the signInRedirect option is set the user will be redirected on a failed (=false) CanActivate using Router.navigate(). It currently does not distinguish between user types.


const routerConfig: Routes = [
        path: '',
        component: PublicComponent
    }, {
        path: 'restricted',
        component: RestrictedComponent,
        canActivate: [Angular2TokenService]

Advanced Usage

More advanced methods can be used if a higher degree of customization is required.


More customized requests can be send with the .request()-function. It accepts the RequestOptionsArgs-Interface. More information can be found in the Angular2 API Reference here.

request(options: RequestOptionsArgs): Observable<Response>


    method: RequestMethod.Post,
    url:    'my-resource/1',
    data:   mydata


Returns true if a user is signed in. It does not distinguish between user types.

userSignedIn(): boolean


Returns current user type as string like specified in the options.

get currentUserType(): string


Returns current user data as returned by devise token auth. This variable is null after page reload until the .validateToken() call is answerd by the backend.

get currentUserData(): UserData


Returns current authentication data which are used to set auth headers.

get currentAuthData(): AuthData


Returns current authentication data as an HTTP ready Header object.

get currentAuthHeaders(): Header

Redirect original requested URL

If you want to redirect to the protected URL after signing in, you need to set signInStoredUrlStorageKey and in your code you can do something like this

    email:    '',
    password: 'secretPassword'
    res => {
        // You have to add Router DI in your component
    error =>    console.log(error)

Common Problems

CORS Configuration

If you are using CORS in your Rails API make sure that Access-Control-Expose-Headers includes access-token, expiry, token-type, uid, and client. For the rack-cors gem this can be done by adding the following to its config. More information can be found here. ruby :expose => ['access-token', 'expiry', 'token-type', 'uid', 'client']

Missing Routes

Make sure that your projects includes some kind of routing.


If the package is installed from Github specified in the package.json, you need to build the package locally.

cd ./node_modules/angular2-token
npm install
npm run build


npm test


Test config files based on Angular2 Webpack Starter by AngularClass


The MIT License (see the LICENSE file for the full text)


🔑 Token based authentication service for Angular with multi-user support. Works best with the devise token auth gem for Rails.







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