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1DV525 - Introduction to web programming

This repository contains the assignments' files of 1DV525 - Introduction to web programming Course at Linnaeus University

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Assignment 1

The idea of this practical assignment is that we will create a web site containing a couple of web pages. The first part is about structuring the site with HTML, in later part we will style your pages with CSS.

The assignment has the following objective:

  • create web pages using html and css.

Assignment 2

This examination will focus on asynchronous communication agains an external RESTful web services through asynchronous calls. The backend (server-side code) of this assignment will be given and your job is to write the client-side code.

We should create a client application in which the user can answer, by the server given, quiz-questions. The user must do this in a certain time. If the user gives the correct answer, the application will take the user to the next question. If the user give the wrong answer or didn´t in time the quiz is over. We are responsible for the presentation of the questions (retrived from the server), the handling of the client application logic and the user interface. The user shouldn't have any problem to understand the UI. Keep it simple, keep it beautiful.

The assignment has the following objective:

After performing this assignment you will fulfill the three goals described in the course syllabus:

  • Analyze problems and then to evaluate and choose appropriate design and construct the solution in the form of programs in the programming language JavaScript.
  • Describe a web browsers different internal components and their interactions including browser security mechanisms.
  • Create web applications were JavaScript, HTML and CSS have clear roles and are clearly separated.
  • Store and with asynchronous communication, transfer data with for the task appropriate data format.

Assignment 3

The Personal Web Desktop (PWD) This examination will focus on building a single page application with chat integration against a web socket server. The backend (server-side code) of this assignment will be given and your job is to write the client-side code.

In this examination assignment you are supposed to build what is called a "Personal Web Desktop" (PWD).

The assignment has the following objective:

After performing this assignment you will fulfill the three goals described in the course syllabus:

  • Analyze problems and then to evaluate and choose appropriate design and construct the solution in the form of programs in the programming language JavaScript.
  • Describe a web browsers different internal components and their interactions including browser security mechanisms.
  • Create web applications were JavaScript, HTML and CSS have clear roles and are clearly separated.
  • Store and with asynchronous communication, transfer data with for the task appropriate data format.
  • Create optimized and accessible custom single page applications with offline support and which takes advantage of the browser's native APIs.

Functional requirements PWD:

  • The application should be a single page application.
  • The user shall be able to open multiple windows (not browser windows/tabs but custom windows created using the DOM) within the application.
  • The user shall be able to drag and move the windows inside the PWD.
  • The user shall be able to open and close new windows of the desired application by clicking or double clicking an icon at the desktop.
  • The icon used to open the window should be represented in the upper bar of the window.
  • Windows should get focus when clicked/dragged.
  • The window with focus shall be on top of all other windows.
  • The following three applications should at least be included in the desktop application:
  • A memory-game
  • A chat connected to a central chat channel using websockets
  • One, by you, designed and decided application

Non functional requirements PWD:

  • A complete git commit history should be present for assessment. For this assignment somewhere between 30 and 200 commits is normal
  • The code standard standard.js should be followed. (npm start will show errors if you are not complying)
  • All Exported functions, classes and types should be commented. Perferably using JSDoc.
  • The application shall be visually appealing
  • The code shall be organized in appropriate modules, at least four (4).
