Repository for the course "Sensor Fusion and Nonlinear Filtering"
In this project accelerometer, magnetometer and gyroscope measurements were used in a sensor fusion fashion to estimate the orientation of a cellphone.
This project includes:
- Derivation of the motion model using quaternions representation
- Derivation of measurement models
- Implementation of EKF subject to outlier rejection and sensor failure
- Detailed analysis of the implemented EKF
- Transformation of Gaussian random variables
- Analysis of joint distribution and posterior densities
- MMSE and MAP estimates for Gaussian mixture posteriors
- A first Kalman filter and its properties
- Study of different Motion and Measurement models
- Kalman filter and its tuning
- Approximations of mean and covariance
- Non-linear Kalman filtering
- Tuning non-linear filters
- Non-linear RTS smoothers
- Particle filters for linear and Gaussian systems
- Localization: bicycle tracking in a village using Particle Filters