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A backend for the Elixir Logger for sending logs to Humio.


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A Elixir Logger backend for Humio.

Using it with Mix

To use it in your Mix projects, first add it as a dependency:

def deps do
  [{:logger_humio_backend, "~> 0.2"}]

Then run mix deps.get to install it.



  • host: String.t(). The hostname of the Humio ingest API endpoint.
  • token: String.t(). The unique Humio ingest token for the log destination.


  • format: String.t(). The logging format of the message. [default: $hostname[$pid]: [$level]$levelpad $message].
  • level: atom(). Minimum level for this backend. [default: :debug]
  • metadata: list() | :all | {:except, list()}. Specifies the metadata to be sent to Humio. If a list, sends all the metadata with keys in the list. :all sends all metadata. The tuple of :except and a list specifies that all metadata except for the keys in the list should be sent. [default: []]
  • max_batch_size: pos_integer(). Maximum number of logs that the library will batch before sending them to Humio. [default: 20]
  • flush_interval_ms: pos_integer(). Maximum number of milliseconds that ellapses between flushes to Humio. [default: 2_000]
  • debug_io_device: pid(), :stdio, or :stderr. The IO device to which error messages are sent if sending logs to Humio fails for any reason. [default: :stdio]
  • fields: map(). Can be used to specify fields that will be added to each request. Useful for setting service name, for example, without needing to add it to every log line. [default: %{}]
  • tags: map(). Can be used to specify tags that will be added to each request. Only use if you understand the difference between fields and tags in the context of Humio. [default: %{}]

Configuration Examples


  format: "[$level] $message\n",
  host: "",
  token: "ingest-token-goes-here",
  level: :debug

Application config

config :logger,
  utc_log: true #recommended
  backends: [Logger.Backend.Humio]

config :logger_humio_backend
  host: "",
  token: "ingest-token-goes-here",
With All Options
config :logger,
  utc_log: true #recommended
  backends: [Logger.Backend.Humio]

config :logger_humio_backend,
  host: "",
  token: "ingest-token-goes-here",
  format: "[$level] $message\n",
  level: :debug,
  metadata: [:request_id, :customer_id],
  max_batch_size: 50,
  flush_interval_ms: 5_000,
  debug_io_device: :stderr,
  fields: %{
    "service" => "my_service"
  tags: %{
    "env" => "dev"


The library will batch requests until either

  1. the buffer of logs has reached the max_batch_size or
  2. an amount of time equal to flush_interval_ms has passed.

At this point the logger backend will send all accrued log events to Humio, and reset the flush interval timer.

The logger can be flushed manually by calling Logger.flush(). Note this will flush all registered logger backends.


Metadata is sent to Humio as attributes using the Structured Ingest API. This means any metadata you set will be ingested as fields in Humio, and, unlike the :console logger, metadata can not be appended in the Formatter. This is much more powerful than the :console logger, as it enables the ingestion of nested maps, lists, and generally more complex metadata than just string values.


This logging backend implements its own formatter, similar to Elixir's Logger.Formatter.

It allows developers to specify a string that serves as template for log messages, for example:

$hostname[$pid]: [$level]$levelpad $message

Will print error messages as:

localhost[<0.349.0>]: [error] Hello

The valid parameters you can use are:

  • $application - the name of the application from which the log was sent.
  • $hostname - the hostname retrieved via :inet.gethostname/0.
  • $level - the log level
  • $levelpad - sets to a single space if level is 4 characters long, otherwise set to the empty space. Used to align the message after level.
  • $message - the log message
  • $node - the node that prints the message
  • $pid - the PID of the process from which the log was sent. This works even when :pid is excluded from the metadata config.


The library also includes a Plug that is a drop-in replacement for Plug.Logger

It logs basic request information in the format:

Get /index.html Sent 200 in 5720us

To use it, just plug it into the desired module.

plug Logger.Backend.Humio.Plug

Additionally, the logger ships metadata from the Plug.Conn struct. The backend's configuration must allow for the key conn to be allowed for this to occur.

The connection's fields in Humio will have conn. as the suffix. For example, the connection status will be under conn.status, the request_path under conn.request_path, etc.

For a complete list of fields, see the Plug.Conn documentation. The Plug also adds an additional field, response_time_us, which indicates the time it took to process the request in microseconds.


  • :log - The log level at which this plug should log its request info. [default: :info]
  • :metadata - The connection included as metadata Humio fields. Options are :all, a list of atoms like [:method, :request_path], or a Tuple in the form {:except, [:cookies, :assigns]}, which ships all metadata except the atoms in the list. [default: [:method, :remote_ip, :request_path, :status, :response_time_us]]

Example Configuration with all options

  pipeline :instrumentation do
    plug Humio.Plug,
        log: :debug,
        metadata: [:method, :response_time_us, :port, :host]


A backend for the Elixir Logger for sending logs to Humio.







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