Julienne is a web app that allows you to share recipes with family and friends.
It's built using the Sancho-UI design system, Firebase, Typescript, React and Emotion.
I'm writing a series of blog posts explaining the code that goes into this project. I'll be adding them here and on my blog when time permits.
2. Using Firebase with React Hooks
3. Building React Components with Gesture Support
4. A Beginner's Guide to using Typescript with React
This project is built using create-react-app
, typescript, and firebase. To get it running properly, you'll need to create your own firebase application and export your firebase configuration in a file at src/firebase-config.ts
. The config should include algolia configuration, and look something like this:
// src/firebase-config.ts
const config = {
apiKey: "myapikey",
authDomain: "my-auth-domain.firebaseapp.com",
databaseURL: "my-db-url.com",
projectId: "my-pid",
storageBucket: "my-storage-bucket",
messagingSenderId: "my-sender-id",
ALGOLIA_APP_ID: "my-app-id",
ALGOLIA_USER_SEARCH_KEY: "my-user-search-key"
export default config;
You'll also need to install the local dependencies using Yarn or NPM.
You'll need to either deploy the functions or emulate them locally. Finally, you can run it:
yarn start
This runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
Use firebase-cli to initalize a project in the root directory. Then build your project and deploy.
yarn run build
firebase deploy
BSD 3-Clause, see the LICENSE file.