Python script which will read CSV files from AskSin Analyzer XS containing Homematic IP Telegram information (like DutyCycle) to InfluxDB
usage: [-h] [-cc] [-cf CONFIGFILE] [-d CSVDIR] [-f CSVFILES] [-t] [-l]
Write data from AskSin Analyzer XS CSV files into InfluxDB
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-cc, --create-config
Create configuration file containing the InfluxDB credentials and quit.
Name and path can be changed from default (${HOME}/.asa-to-ifdb.conf)
to something else with "-c"
-cf CONFIGFILE, --config-file CONFIGFILE
InfluxDB credential file
Directory containing the CSV files - all TelegramsXS_*.csv files in this
dir will be processed (e.g. /opt/analyzer)
Specify the path of a file to be processed.
This argument can be used multiple times to process multiple files
-t, --test Do not write any data to InfluxDB - just echo the data to stdout
-l, --latest Only read the most recent file (usefull for e.g. cronjobs)
Crontab example:
# Read AskSinAnalyzer CSV to InfluxDB
*/2 * * * * /usr/local/bin/ -d /opt/analyzer -l >> /dev/null