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ACM-CR: A Manually Annotated Test Collection for Citation Recommendation


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ACM-CR: A Manually Annotated Test Collection for Citation Recommendation

This repository contains the test collection for (context-aware) citation recommendation constructed from bibliographic records and open-access papers collected from the ACM Digital Library.


Installing required Python modules

pip install -r requirements.txt 

Test collection

Document collection

Documents are bibliographic records of scientific papers (BibTeX entries) about IR-related topics collected from the ACM Digital Library. We use the SIGs IR, KDD, CHI, WEB and MOD sponsored conferences and journals as filter. BibTeX files are grouped by venue-year (e.g. 'sigir/sigir-1999' contains all citations from SIGIR-1999). Details about the venues are presented in here. An example of document is given below:

  author = {Gallina, Ygor and Boudin, Florian and Daille, B\'{e}atrice},
  title = {Large-Scale Evaluation of Keyphrase Extraction Models},
  year = {2020},
  isbn = {9781450375856},
  publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
  address = {New York, NY, USA},
  url = {},
  doi = {10.1145/3383583.3398517},
  abstract = {Keyphrase extraction models are usually evaluated under different, not directly comparable, experimental setups. [...]},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries in 2020},
  pages = {271–278},
  numpages = {8},
  keywords = {natural language processing, keyphrase generation, evaluation},
  location = {Virtual Event, China},
  series = {JCDL '20}

Some statistics of the document collection (2021-04-30): 114,882 records, from which 103,990 (91%) have abstracts and 83,517 have author-assigned keyphrases (73%). We only consider 'article' and 'inproceedings' citations, and remove session papers (title starting with "Session" and empty abstract)

Queries (citation contexts) and relevance judgments

Papers used for generating queries are in the data/topics+qrels directory. They are grouped by venue (e.g. sigir-2020), and each of them is represented by three separate files, e.g. for paper with doi 10.1145/3397271.3401032:

3397271.3401032.pdf   # pdf of the paper

3397271.3401032.dois  # manually curated list of dois for cited references
                      # the following rules are used for mapping dois :
                      #   1. DOI from the ACM DL
                      #   2. DOI from another publisher (including ACL-anthology DOIs)
                      #   3. arxiv/pubmed/acl-anthology url
                      #   4. pdf url
                      #   5. None

3397271.3401032.xml   # manually extracted citation contexts

Actually, there are 50 papers (the list of selected papers is data/topics+qrels/papers/ and their manually extracted and curated citation contexts are in the following xml format:

  <title>Measuring Recommendation [...]</title>
  <abstract>Explanations have a large effect on [...]</abstract>
    <context id="01" section="introduction">
      <s>Recommendations are part of everyday life.</s>
      <s>Be they made by a person, or by [...]</s>
      <s cites="13,14,23,28">Explanations are known to strongly impact how the recipient of a recommendation responds [13, 14, 23, 28], yet the effect is still not well understood.</s>
    <reference id="1">10.1145/3173574.3174156</reference>
    <reference id="2">10.1145/3331184.3331211</reference>

Some statistics of the manually extracted citations and relevance judgements

python3 src/ --input data/topics+qrels/papers/ \
                        --collection data/topics+qrels/collection.txt

avg number of cited documents: 31.82 [8 - 71]
avg number of cited documents in collection: 15.86 [1 - 37]
avg coverage of collection: 0.5074 [0.0909 - 0.8333]
  • number of citation contexts (s): 837
  • number of 1+/all citation contexts (s): 552
0 1+ All
34.05 20.91 45.04
  • number of citation contexts (p): 341
  • number of 1+/all citation contexts (p): 269
0 1+ All
21.11 53.67 25.22

Document retrieval (TODO)

Installing anserini

Here, we use the open-source information retrieval toolkit anserini which is built on Lucene. Below are the installation steps for a mac computer (tested on OSX 11.2.3) based on their colab demo.

# install maven
brew install adoptopenjdk
brew install maven

# cloning / installing anserini
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd anserini/
# for 11.1 issues -> add the following in pom.xml
# <plugin>
#   <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
#   <artifactId>maven-surefire-plugin</artifactId>
#   <configuration>
#     <forkCount>3</forkCount>
#     <reuseForks>true</reuseForks>
#     <argLine>-Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m</argLine>
#   </configuration>
# </plugin>
# for 10.14 issues -> changing jacoco from 0.8.2 to 0.8.3 in pom.xml to build correctly
# for 10.13 issues ->
mvn clean package appassembler:assemble

# compile evaluation tools and other scripts
cd tools/eval && tar xvfz trec_eval.9.0.4.tar.gz && cd trec_eval.9.0.4 && make && cd ../../..
cd tools/eval/ndeval && make && cd ../../..

Converting citations and building indexes


Creating queries/qrels and retrieving citations using BM25


Reranking using SciBERT

python3 src/ --collection data/docs/collection.jsonl \
                                --contexts data/topics+qrels/contexts.jsonl \
                                --input output/run.t+a+k.description.paragraphs.bm25.txt \
                                --output output/run.t+a+k.description.paragraphs.scibert.txt

python3 src/ --collection data/docs/collection.jsonl \
                                --contexts data/topics+qrels/sentences.jsonl \
                                --input output/run.t+a+k.description.sentences.bm25.txt \
                                --output output/run.t+a+k.description.sentences.scibert.txt

python3 src/ output/run.t+a+k.description.paragraphs.bm25.txt \
                            output/run.t+a+k.description.paragraphs.scibert.txt \
python3 src/ output/run.t+a+k.description.sentences.bm25.txt \
                            output/run.t+a+k.description.sentences.scibert.txt \

Evaluating the retrieval models


recall_10               all 0.3440
ndcg_cut_10             all 0.2937
Evaluating output/run.t+a+k.description.paragraphs.bm25.txt
recall_10               all 0.3358
ndcg_cut_10             all 0.2827
Evaluating output/run.t+a+k.description.paragraphs.scibert.txt
recall_10               all 0.3397
ndcg_cut_10             all 0.2307
Evaluating output/run.t+a+k.description.sentences.bm25+scibert.txt
recall_10               all 0.4030
ndcg_cut_10             all 0.3231
Evaluating output/run.t+a+k.description.sentences.bm25.txt
recall_10               all 0.3903
ndcg_cut_10             all 0.3156
Evaluating output/run.t+a+k.description.sentences.scibert.txt
recall_10               all 0.3340
ndcg_cut_10             all 0.1761


ACM-CR: A Manually Annotated Test Collection for Citation Recommendation








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