This GitHub repository has been created to help illustrate the creation of LEX Intents and leverage AWS Lambda serverless functions for fulfillment.
- create a jokebot which responds to you and makes a REST API call to return a joke.
- create a weatherbot which can check the weather for whatever city/location you provide using REST API to a weather service
- create a moviebot which can return facts about a given movie via the open movie online database. Examples of criteria to ask for: release year, description, rating
- modify the original jokebot from Lab 1 and have it give different responses for Dad Joke or Chuck Norris joke requests.
- log in to Amazon Lex console with your Amazon account
- In a separate browser tab open up the Amazon Lambda console
- Congratulations, you have taken your first step towards learning Amazon Lex services.
- Lab 1 - simple jokebot. This lab explores a single intent with no slots, and triggers an API call to Dad jokes REST API.
- Lab 2 - weatherbot. This lab explores creating a bot with an intent which captures a location in a slot. The location is then parsed in a Lambda function which then grabs the current weather based on that location.
- Lab 3 - moviebot. This lab explores multiple intents each with multiple slots to return specific facts about a movie.
- Lab 4 - enhanced jokebot. This lab enhances the original jokebot and asks the user to decide whether they want Dad jokes, or Chuck Norris jokes.