A Better Plugins Screen for Wordpress
Sometimes, I know I have a plugin installed but can't remember what it's called or where menu link for the settings page is. So I go to the Plugins Screen in the WordPress Admin.
But on the WordPress Admin Plugins Screen, the links under each plugin are in a random order and not every plugin adds it's own Settings link.
So, this plugin creates "A Better Plugins Screen" by always putting 'Deactivate' first and placing a 'Settings' link second (if it can find one).
There are no additional options. Activate the plugin to enable. Deactivate to disable.
Note: Some plugins don't use their 'slug' or plugin name as their menu link title, so I've created a rudimentary dictionary at the top of the JS file to address these cases. You can create a pull request to contribute others.
- Look into using:
? - https://bit.ly/37FPvPn - Look into adding row actions on plugin screen? -
add_filter( 'post_row_actions'
-- https://bit.ly/3FEbaDW