A new community source license model for cloud and hosted SaaS products.
Community Source merges the right to repair and community aspects of hardware and open source software into a license that allows you to sell and redistribute an "open source code" product, while allowing for certian types of redistribution and monetization with accredidation.
The Buildly Open Source Board is forming a seperate board of Governors/Directors to research and manage the community source license with in Buildly, with goal of creating an entity in the future with Buildly and Age of Peers as founding members.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Community_source
- https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:SCSL-2.8
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Source-available_software
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shared_Source_Initiative
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Side_Public_License
There are many and varied versions of "open" source licenses and what rules and restrictions apply to them and are governed by the Free Software Foundation and the Open Source Initiative. One constitent thread in most all of the FSF and OSI licenses are that they free to be reused in some form without requirement for payment, but instead only requiring attribution, sharing of code changes/enhancement or both. Monetization and protection from large corporate legal entites who attempt what amounts to hostile takeovers of distribution and even code bases is not discussed or allowed.
One potential soultion that Buildly and it's partners are exploring is a new community source license, where access to the code is given freely, but forking or copying of the code requires compensation to the author(s). We realize this sits outside the OSI and FSF deffenitions of "open source" and is closer to the community source or shared source of reference promoted by both Microsft and SUN licenses of 2001. It also varies from the Server Side Public License submitted to the OSI by Mongo DB in that it doesn't require that a sub licensee release there source code because of the compensation agreement clause.
As such we are proposing a new "Buildly Community Source License", that is simpler and easier to us then previous and not restricted to one product ecosystem, but focused on SaaS and cloud software implementations for custom labeled reused software. This software is hosted and used by a third party, in exchange for compensation to the original author and can by redistributed or not depending on the compensation agreement.