SDK for setting up and communicating with uplink from android.
This project consists of two parts.
It's distributed as a tarball for the 4 major android architectures (arm/x86 X 32bit/64bit). This module is a valid
magisk module so it can be just extracted to /data/adb/modules/uplink
if you're using magisk as your root manager and
it will start uplink at boot. You can also start uplink manually like this:
$MODULE/bin/daemonize $MODULE/
This script will stop the current uplink instance if it's running and then start it.
The following are the configuration points for this module:
: uplink configuration file$MODULE/services/
: If you want to run some additional services, put the boot script in this
: Defines the environment variables for this module. One of those isDATA_DIR
where all the uplink runtime data lives. By default it points to/data/local/uplink
It's distributed as an aar file on the github releases page. It can be included in you android project like this:
implementation files('libs/uplink.aar')
The main entry point of this library is the io.bytebeam.uplink.Uplink
class. Look at the javadoc of this class for usage notes.