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code and data to faciliate BERT/ELECTRA for document ranking. Details refer to the paper - PARADE: Passage Representation Aggregation for Document Reranking.


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This repository contains the code for our paper

  • PARADE: Passage Representation Aggregation for Document Reranking PDF

If you're interested in running PARADE for the TREC-COVID challenge (submitted with tag mpiid5 from Round 2), please check out the covid branch.

If you find this paper/code useful, please cite:

  title={PARADE: Passage Representation Aggregation for Document Reranking},
  author={Li, Canjia and Yates, Andrew and MacAvaney, Sean and He, Ben and Sun, Yingfei},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2008.09093},


PARADE (PAssage Representation Aggregation for Document rE-ranking) is an end-to-end document reranking model based on the pre-trained language models.

We support the following PARADE variants:

  • PARADE-Avg (named cls_avg in the code)
  • PARADE-Attn (named cls_attn in the code)
  • PARADE-Max (named cls_max in the code)
  • PARADE (named cls_transformer in the code)

We support two instantiations of pre-trained models:

  • BERT

Getting Started

To run PARADE, there're two steps ahead. We give a detailed example on how to run the code on the Robust04 dataset using the title query.

1. Data Preparation

To run a 5-fold cross-validation, data for 5 folds are required. The standard qrels, query, trec_run files can be accomplished by Anserini, please check out their notebook for further details. Then you need to split the documets into passages, write them into TFrecord files. The corpus file can also be extracted by Anserini to form a docno \t content paired text. Then run


You should be able to see 5 sub-folders generated in the output_dir folder, with each contains a train file and a test file. Note that if you're going to run the code on TPU, you need to upload the training/testing data to Google Cloud Storage (GCS). Everything is prepared now!

2. Model Traning and Evaluation

For all the pre-trained models, we first fine-tune them on the MSMARCO passage collection. This is IMPORTANT, as it can improve the nDCG@20 by 2 points generally. To figure out the way of doing that, please check out dl4marco-bert. If you want to escape this fine-tuning step, check out these fine-tuned models on the MSMARCO passage ranking dataset. The fine-tuned model will be the initialized model in PARADE. Just pass it to the BERT_ckpt argument in the following snippet.

Now train the model:


The model performance will automatically output on your screen. When evaluating the title queries on the Robust04 collecting, it outputs

P_20                    all     0.4604
ndcg_cut_20             all     0.5399

Useful Resources

  • Fine-tuned models on the MSMARCO passage ranking dataset:
Model L / H MRR on MSMARCO DEV Path
ELECTRA-Base 12 / 768 0.3698 Download
BERT-Base 12 / 768 0.3637 Download
\ 10 / 768 0.3622 Download
\ 8 / 768 0.3560 Download
BERT-Medium 8 / 512 0.3520 Download
BERT-Small 4 / 512 0.3427 Download
BERT-Mini 4 / 256 0.3247 Download
\ 2 / 512 0.3160 Download
BERT-Tiny 2 /128 0.2600 Download

(Config files and Vocabulary file are available Here)

  • Our run files on the Robust04 and GOV2 collections: Robust04, GOV2.


  • How to get the raw text?

If you bother getting the raw text from Anserini, you can also replace the anserini/src/main/java/io/anserini/index/ file by the extra/ file in this repo, then re-build Anserini (version 0.7.0). Below is how we fetch the raw text

# say you're given a BM25 run file run.BM25.txt
cut -d ' ' -f3 run.BM25.txt | sort | uniq > docnolist
${anserini_path}/target/appassembler/bin/IndexUtils -dumpTransformedDocBatch docnolist -index ${index_path}

then you get the required raw text in the directory that contains docnolist. Alternatively, you can refer to the file in the covid branch and fetch the docs using pyserini.

  • How to run a significance test?

To do a significance test, just configurate the trec_eval path in the file. Then simply run the following command, here we compare PARADE with BERT-MaxP:

python \
  --qrels /data/anserini/src/main/resources/topics-and-qrels/qrels.robust04.txt \
  --baselines /data2/robust04/reruns/title/bertmaxp.dai/bertbase_onMSMARCO/merge \
  --runs /data2/robust04/reruns/title/num-segment-16/electra_base_onMSMARCO_cls_transformer/merge_epoch3

then it outputs

OrderedDict([('P_20', '0.4277'), ('ndcg_cut_20', '0.4931')])
OrderedDict([('P_20', '0.4604'), ('ndcg_cut_20', '0.5399')])
OrderedDict([('P_20', 1.2993259211924425e-11), ('ndcg_cut_20', 8.306604295574242e-09)])

The upper two lines are the sanity checks of your run performance values. The last line shows the p-values. PARADE achieves significant improvement over BERT-MaxP (p < 0.01) !

  • How to run knowledge distillation for PARADE?

Please follow the fine-tuning steps first. Then run the following command:


It outputs the following results with regard to PARADE using the BERT-small model (4 layers)!

P_20                    all     0.4365
ndcg_cut_20             all     0.5098


Some snippets of the codes are borrowed from NPRF, Capreolus, dl4marco-bert, SIGIR19-BERT-IR.


code and data to faciliate BERT/ELECTRA for document ranking. Details refer to the paper - PARADE: Passage Representation Aggregation for Document Reranking.








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