Arturia Essential 61
- Knobs 1-8 mapped to current Device Macros
- Next/Prev Button to navigate Device Macro pages
- Faders 1-8 freely assignable
- Preset Dial press opens browser
- Scrolling up/down using the dial, commit selection with pressing again
- Holding "Metro" + Turn Preset Dial = Change Temp
- Holding "Live/Bank" + Faders = Change Track Vol (1-8)
- Holding "Live/Bank" + Knobs = Change Track Pan (1-8)
- Fader 9 and Knob 9 is set as Master Vol and Pan
- Currently auto-detect only working with MacOS
- Button lights not working (no LED feedback)
- Preset Column navigation not working (category button)
- No "pickup" mode for knobs and faders
- Discovery names for Windows and Linux
- The "Save" button has no function
- Hardly any useful display feedback.
- "Live/Bank" enables "mixer mode", "next/prev" should then page tracks
- "<-" and "->" in preset section should page through Filter columns (when browsing).
- "<-" and "->" should scroll through devices in the current channels chain.
- "Midi CH" button could be uses as "shift" button for the pads
- Use pads for clips (4 tracks, 2 clips), preset dial for clip navigation