#Flybits Basics for iOS#
This project demonstrates basic functionality of using Flybits such as to register or login, to get zones & moments, and to register and receive push messages.
##User management##
displays a login page where user can enter their email and password to login or they can anonymously login. Anonymous login creates a temp email and password and stores it inside NSUserDefaults, and uses that to login.
Logout button is also available, tapping on it makes a logout request to server.
After user is successfully logged in, few things are enabled:
- context uploading
- push message
####1. Context Uploading:####
Few context plugins are registered with default settings:
let fiveMins = 5 * 60
let cm = ContextManager.sharedManager
_ = cm.register(.activity, priority: .any, pollFrequency: fiveMins, uploadFrequency: fiveMins)
_ = cm.register(.audio, priority: .any, pollFrequency: fiveMins, uploadFrequency: fiveMins)
_ = cm.register(.availability, priority: .any, pollFrequency: fiveMins, uploadFrequency: fiveMins)
_ = cm.register(.battery, priority: .any, pollFrequency: fiveMins, uploadFrequency: fiveMins)
_ = cm.register(.coreLocation, priority: .any, pollFrequency: fiveMins, uploadFrequency: fiveMins)
iBeacon plugin is registered with custom settings:
do { // enable iBeacon context provider
let coreLoc = CoreLocationDataProvider.init(asCoreLocationManager: true, withRequiredAuthorization: .authorizedAlways)
_ = try? coreLoc.requestAlwaysAuthorization()
let options = Set<iBeaconDataProvider.iBeaconOptions>.init(arrayLiteral: .monitoring, .ranging)
let ibeacon = iBeaconDataProvider.init(apiFrequency: fiveMins, locationProvider: coreLoc, options: options)
_ = try? cm.register(ibeacon)
ibeaconContextDataProvider = ibeacon
After everythign is registered, start the context monitoring and uploading:
####2. Registering for Push Message:####
PushManager posts notification everytime it's status changes with Flybits Push server. Those can be listened by the apps as well:
Connected and Disconnected can be listened to update the UI or change the logic on your app, maybe switch to Polling if push is disconnected.
// register for push status
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: PushManagerConstants.PushConnected, object: nil, queue: nil) { n in
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: PushManagerConstants.PushDisconnected, object: nil, queue: nil) { n in
To setup the FlybitsSDK so it can start receiving push messages, you have to enable the PushManager with a PushConfiguration.
To listen to entity related changes such as Zone modified, Moment modified, etc., enable 'foreground' push service type.
PushManager.sharedManager.configuration = PushConfiguration.configuration(with: .foreground)
Use .both
if you are also supporting APNs as well. Remember to set the apnsToken
after user successfully logs in so it can be uploaded to Flybits servers.
####Getting list of Zones###
queries the server and displays list of Zones in a UITableView. Setup a ZoneQuery
object and then execute that query using ZoneRequest
This example shows how to get first 20 zones that are favourited by currently logged in user.
let zoneQuery = ZonesQuery.init()
zoneQuery.pager = Pager.init(limit: 20, offset: 0, countRecords: nil)
zoneQuery.pager.favourites = true
ZoneRequest.query(zoneQuery) { [weak self] (zones, pager, error) in
####Zone related Push#### Subscribe each zone entities for push message:
private func registerForPush() {
for z in zones {
and then using a custom extension on NotificationCenter, listen to few different topics so we can act upon receiving a push:
let modified = PushMessage.NotificationType(.zone, action: .modified)
let removed = PushMessage.NotificationType(.zone, action: .deleted)
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forNames: PushManagerConstants.PushConnected) { [weak self] n in
switch n.name {
case PushManagerConstants.PushConnected:
// after push is connected, register all the zones for push
case modified:
// let m = n.userInfo?[PushManagerConstants.PushMessageContent] as? PushMessage
if let z = n.userInfo?[PushManagerConstants.PushFetchedContent] as? Zone {
self?.zoneReceivedPush(zone: z)
} else if let e = n.userInfo?[PushManagerConstants.PushFetchError] as? NSError {
if let m = n.userInfo?[PushManagerConstants.PushMessageContent] as? PushMessage, let zoneId = m.body?["id"] as? String, e.code == 404 {
self?.zoneRemoved(zoneIdentifier: zoneId)
case removed:
// when a zone is removed.. note that unpublishing a zone is not same as removing it...
if let m = n.userInfo?[PushManagerConstants.PushMessageContent] as? PushMessage, let zoneId = m.body?["id"] as? String {
self?.zoneRemoved(zoneIdentifier: zoneId)
default: print("Received push but not handling it: ", n.name)
####Getting list of Moments###
queries the server for all the moments inside a zone and displays list of Moments in a UITableView. Setup a MomentQuery
object and then execute that query using MomentRequest
This example shows how to get first 20 moemnts inside a zone.
private func getMoments() {
// query the server for 20 moments
let query = MomentQuery.init()
query.pager = Pager.init(limit: 20, offset: 0, countRecords: nil)
query.zoneIDs = [zoneId]
query.published = true
// cancel any previous request
_ = momentRequest?.cancel()
momentRequest = MomentRequest.query(query) { [weak self] (moments, pager, error) in
OperationQueue.main.addOperation {
self?.moments = moments
####Moment related Push#### Subscribe each moment entities for push message:
private func registerForPush() {
for m in moments {
and then using a custom extension on NotificationCenter, listen to few different topics so we can act upon receiving a push:
do {
// register for different push topics to listn
let connected = PushManagerConstants.PushConnected
let modified = PushMessage.NotificationType(.zone, action: .momentModified)
let removed = PushMessage.NotificationType(.zone, action: .momentDeleted)
let momentInstanceModified = PushMessage.NotificationType(.momentInstance, action: .modified)
// when FlybitsSDK receives push message, it will post those notification... and the closure passed in here will be
// called for different topics we register.
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forNames: modified, removed, momentInstanceModified) { [weak self] (n) in
// get the PushMessage from userInfo
let pushMessage = n.userInfo?[PushManagerConstants.PushMessageContent] as? PushMessage
// find which message called this closure
switch n.name {
case connected: // after push is connected, register all the zones for push
case modified:
// get the content that was downloaded, i.e., zone or moment
let obj = n.userInfo?[PushManagerConstants.PushFetchedContent] as? [String: AnyObject]
// get the moment object
let m = obj?[PushMessageEntity.zoneMomentInstance.description] as? Moment
// get the zone object
let _ = obj?[PushMessageEntity.zone.description] as? Zone
// if we have a moment object, then it's not removed!
if let m = m {
self?.momentModified(moment: m)
} else if let identifier = pushMessage?.body?["momentID"] as? String {
// we don't have a moment object, but have an ID, that means,
// moment is no longer available to us
self?.momentRemoved(momentIdentifier: identifier)
case momentInstanceModified:
// when a name/metadata/image is modified, this gets called,
// it doesn't return the actual moment object, instead it returns
// an 'momentinstance' id.. using this, we gotta get all the
// moments that has the same 'momentinstance' id and also attached
// to a zone
if let identifier = pushMessage?.body?["id"] as? String {
self?.momentInstanceModified(momentInstanceIdentifier: identifier)
case removed:
if let identifier = pushMessage?.body?["momentID"] as? String {
// we don't have a moment object, but have an ID, that means,
// moment is no longer available to us
self?.momentRemoved(momentIdentifier: identifier)
default: print("Received push but not handling it: ", n.name)