Xupric is a fully functional Web browser.
The features and look was inspired by surf, Firefox and DuckDuckGo's Privacy Browser.
It's goal was to implement all the features you'd expect from a today's browser,
while keeping a nice, dark, non-GTK look, to go along with any wm.
It was written from scratch and isn't a fork.
- Functional web searching
- Tabs support (10 static tabs)
- Custom GTK ui
- Dark mode
- Workspaces (max 5)
- Url filtering like clearURLs
- a Ton of Shortcut keys
- Bookmarks, history, cookies
- Configuration through ~/.config/xupric/xupric.conf
- Custom css/js/certs in ~/.config/xupric/
- Xorg and native Wayland support
- & much more
- confuse <required>
- webkit2gtk-4.0 <required>
- jansson <required>
- pcre <required>
- xxd <required>
- sqlite3 <required>
- meson <required>
- x11 <required>
- gtk3 <required>
- JetBrainsMono Nerd Font <very recommended>
- Flatery-Dark icon theme <very recommended>
Without the nerd font, the browser looks very weird.
Gtk4 and webkit2gtk-5.0 aren't supported.
> git clone https://github.com/chm46e/xupric
> cd xupric
> mkdir build && cd build
> meson ..
> ninja
> sudo ninja install
NB! Have a look at the man page! man xupric
It goes over everything (shortcuts, features, etc).
Thank you, Tux-Code for creating the logos.
The default xupric is styled using the Tomorrow Night color theme.
The configuration stuff is stored in ~/.config/xupric/
Almost all the files/dirs get generated during run-time.
The coding style is somewhat a lazy Linux kernel like.
Again, have a look at xupric's man page:D
There are a ton of bugs, so hold your teddy bear.