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Christian Espinoza edited this page Aug 10, 2022 · 3 revisions

Social Network REST API GitHub go.mod Go version

This repository contains a complete REST API ready for production of a Social Network, which allows:

  • Register and authenticate users login by tokens.
  • Publish, update, delete and read posts published by users of the social network.
  • Clients can receive notifications of new posts published by WebSockets.

Pre-Requirements 📋

  • Install Docker
    Here is the official link to download it:
  • Why Docker?
    Docker will allow you to launch the API service and connect it to the database.

Instalation 🔧

  • Once the project is cloned, go to the project directory and run this command:
    docker compose up -d
    This command will start the API service and it will be ready to be consumed.

API Endpoints 🖥️

By default the API exposes port :5050

To access endpoints that include the path parameter /api, they will need to send a token as an Authorization header. This token is generated when a registered user logs in.

  • Home

Shows a welcome message indicating that the connection has been made successfully.

GET http://localhost:5050/

Server Response:

  "message": "Welcome to the Social Network API", 
  "status": true 
  • Read Posts

Calling this endpoint will return a paginated list of all posts published by users. By default, a list page will contain 2 resources. If you want to change that, just add a query parameter size to the GET request. If you want to go to the next page, use the query parameter page. By the way, the pages start counting from zero.

GET http://localhost:5050/posts

Server Response:

      "id": "2D5x9W6yoCZRLPkLbcxvi2HSwuC",
!      "post_content": "Hello everybody, this is my first post",
      "created_at": "2022-08-08T23:49:55.628695Z",
      "user_id": "2D5sgDWHKO49madbrOSVCOr2hz0"
      "id": "2D5yTeD0YCtlrP2tTdqHY8SEori",
!      "post_content": "This is my second post",
      "created_at": "2022-08-09T00:00:48.239374Z",
      "user_id": "2D5sgDWHKO49madbrOSVCOr2hz0"

Example using query parameters:

GET http://localhost:5050/posts?size=4&page=1

This call returns the second page of posts in a list of 4 resources.

Server Response:

      "id": "2D5ybq79jOE6Zu3hACxbq6Fvo8N",
!      "post_content": "This is my fifth post",
      "created_at": "2022-08-09T00:01:53.549583Z",
      "user_id": "2D5sgDWHKO49madbrOSVCOr2hz0"
      "id": "2D5ydIDjbPcXTp9k2TaEJpxYua4",
!      "post_content": "This is my sixth post",
      "created_at": "2022-08-09T00:02:05.24609Z",
      "user_id": "2D5sgDWHKO49madbrOSVCOr2hz0"
      "id": "2D5yfBfKiVjTOGRhOS3ylLhnf10",
!      "post_content": "This is my seventh post",
      "created_at": "2022-08-09T00:02:20.580479Z",
      "user_id": "2D5sgDWHKO49madbrOSVCOr2hz0"
      "id": "2D5yhuW35muasIdxU9gCX6k74n0",
!      "post_content": "This is my eighth post",
      "created_at": "2022-08-09T00:02:42.764285Z",
      "user_id": "2D5sgDWHKO49madbrOSVCOr2hz0"
  • Read a Post

Allows reading a post from a user by the post id as a path parameter

GET http://localhost:5050/posts/{post_id}

Server Response:

  "id": "2D5x9W6yoCZRLPkLbcxvi2HSwuC",
  "post_content": "Hello everybody, this is my first post",
  "created_at": "2022-08-08T23:49:55.628695Z",
  "user_id": "2D5sgDWHKO49madbrOSVCOr2hz0"
  • Signup

Allows to register a new user.

POST http://localhost:5050/signup

Client Request:

  "email": "",
  "password": "mypassword"

Server Response:

  "id": "2D5cbOZMHKhGWQ7xv3sabFx8TxB",
  "email": ""

The server responds with an unique ID for the registered email. If you try to register a new user with the same email, the server will respond with an error.

  • Login

Allows users to log in to the Social Network.

POST http://localhost:5050/login

Client Request:

  "email": "",
  "password": "mypassword"

Server Response:

  "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VySWQiOiIyRDVjYk9aTUhLaEdXUTd4djNzYWJGeDhUeEIiLCJleHAiOjE2NjAxNjYwMDd9.xGjmePeDLXfOfnnDghphQIGtRyUU5TomPTFQmdf5ooE"

This token is unique. It is signed and associated with the user who logged in. The validity of this token is 48 hours after being generated.
Send this token as an Authorization header to get access to endpoints that include the path parameter /api

  • Check my User Data

Allows the user to review their login details.

GET http://localhost:5050/api/me

Header: Authorization
Value: Token

Server Response:

  "id": "2D5cbOZMHKhGWQ7xv3sabFx8TxB",
  "email": "",
  "password": ""

The password is not returned for security reasons.

  • Create a New Post

Allows users to create a new post

POST http://localhost:5050/api/posts

Header: Authorization
Value: Token

Client Request:

  "post_content": "Hello everybody, this is my first post"

Server Response:

  "id": "2D5sk2VQz4UhYrRX3GENhq1yAVV",
  "post_content": "Hello everybody, this is my first post"

The server responds with an unique id for the post created

  • Update a Post

Allows a user to update their post by the post id as a path parameter.

PUT http://localhost:5050/api/posts/{post_id}

Header: Authorization
Value: Token

Client Request:

  "post_content": "Hello everybody, this is my updated post"

Server Response:

  "message": "Post Updated"
  • Delete a Post

Allows a user to delete their post by the post id as a path parameter.

DELETE http://localhost:5050/api/posts/{post_id}

Header: Authorization
Value: Token

Server Response:

  "message": "Post deleted"

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