Scaffolding a love2d project to use Fennel
This was a learning exercise for me, and the end result is largely the result of me poking into other people's code. Almost nothing here is originally my own.
- clone this repo
- download love2d
- add the love executable to your path and
love .
from the root directory
Get to write lisp for awesome lua frameworks like love2d and TIC-80
Hot swapping / live reloading
- Load changes to your code with a keypress without restarting your app
- not unique to fennel. You can apparently use lume/hotswap to do this in pure Lua
REPL driven development
Full Lua interop: call any and all lua functions, built in or from a library
- No sourcemaps: can be hard to debug fennel when line numbers don't line up
This is what we're doing here. Put a few files in /lib
- Fennel - the executable. you can
lua lib/fennel --repl
to run the repl. or anything else you can do with fennel
Then require fennel in your lua project.
Meaning, install fennel, and use it to build lua files
Install luarocks:
brew isntall luarocks
Install fennel:
luarocks install fennel
You can for example run fennel --compile main.fnl > main.lua
to turn Fennel into Lua.
Put this step in your Makefile or something to compile .fnl
files into .lua
technomancy: wrote a couple of great games for Lisp Jam in Fennel and Love2d/TIC-80, all of which and more you can find in a series of blog posts starting here:
selfsame: wrote Hats in the Deep, a game written for TIC-80 for a jam:
- min-love2d-fennel: the project structure used here.
- fennel vim:
- emacs fennel-mode:
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