Chirpify is a Python library that takes the CHIRP DJ profile setlist and turns it into a Spotify playlist. Just point the CLI at a DJ's profile page on the CHIRP website along with the playlist name and the code will create an entire playlist with every track that DJ has ever played.
Python3 (Python2 will require a couple code changes)
pip3 install beautifulsoup4
pip3 install spotipy
pip3 install requests
Clone this repository
git clone
Change directory to chirpify
cd chirpify
Create a file and populate with your values. Your file should look like this
#!/usr/bin/env python
#encoding: utf-8
SPOTIFY_USERNAME = [your Spotify username]
SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET = [your Spotify API Client Secret]
SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID = [your Spotify API Client ID]
SPOTIFY_SCOPE = 'playlist-modify-public playlist-modify-private playlist-read-collaborative'
SPOTIFY_REDIRECT_URI = 'http://localhost'
Run the code
python3 --uri --name 'Awesome tunes' --full (optional, leave off for most recent)
A browser window will automatically open where you will authenticate with Spotify. After you've given access to your Spotify account the browser will redirect to a http://localhost url. Copy the localhost url and paste it into the command line. You'll only need to do this once, the code will create a cache authentication file on your local machine.
After you've authenticated the program will read the CHIRP profile and either create a new playlist with the given name or append to the playlist if the name already exists.
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