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Erin Polka edited this page Jun 2, 2021 · 15 revisions

The report template contains the layout for each page of the report. Templates must be produced using either Microsoft Word of Microsoft PowerPoint software programs, and saved as a word document (.doc) or PowerPoint slide (.ppt). Template design is at the discretion of the research team. Only one template document is needed to produce individualized reports for all participants. There is no limit to the template length or content amount.

Generally, a template will contain generic text or graphic information common to all participant reports (e.g., a cover page, or image of common exposure sources in the home), blank spaces for the insertion of individualized graphical results, and text placeholders for the insertion of individualized numerical or text results. Blank spaces are kept at the size relevant to host the designated graphic image that will be inserted in its space (i.e., at least as large as the designated image). Text placeholders need to be composed of a (variable) bracketed character (e.g., “{“ and “}” ) and a unique text identifier for the individualized result to be inserted (e.g., “ {participant_name} ”). Inserted text will match the format of each specific text placeholder. See figure 1 for an example outline of a single page from a template file. In summary: design your template as you would design your packet for each participant, except in each location where individualized data is required, leave text placeholders for the insertion of text or numerical data and blank spaces for the insertion of graphical images. MCR will do the work of inputting your individualized data into each placeholder to create individualized reports for each participant.


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