Repository for development of 13TeV quark-gluon tagger
- Use CMSSW_7_4_X or higher
- Extra variables can be added in QGDev/qgMiniTuple/plugins/
- cmsRun executable is QGDev/qgMiniTuple/test/ or QGDev/qgMiniTuple/test/
Compile them with g++ -O3 -I `root-config --incdir` -o $1 $1.C `root-config --libs` s-td=c++11 with $1 the executable
- createPDF: creates the ROOT files with the pdf's
- plotDistributions: plots distributions of axis2, ptD, mult and qg-likelihood
- plotROC: plots ROC curves
- Use CMSSW_7_4_X or higher
- cms git-addpkg JetMETCorrections/Modules
- go to JetMETCorrections/Modules/test and copy the ROOT files created by createPDF.C
- update with new version number