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Concuerror Elixir Examples

This repository is a simple Elixir project to help you play with Concuerror, a tool to detect and report concurrency errors.

Concuerror was mainly made for Erlang programs, but it is possible to make it work with Elixir projects. You can clone this repo and play with it, or read the following instructions to make it work for your own project.


Get the executable

To use Concuerror, first get the binary by running:

git clone
cd Concuerror

The binary will be available at bin/concuerror. You can add it to your PATH or move it to a folder already in your PATH. In the next steps, I will assume that the concuerror command is available.

Install dot (optional)

Concuerror can generate diagrams in .dot format to help you visualize the race conditions. If you wish to use that feature, you will need to install that command to convert .dot files to images.

In Ubuntu, you would do it with:

sudo apt install graphviz

Prepare your repository

Follow these steps if you're trying Concuerror on your own Elixir projects. If you just use this toy project, this is already done.

Concuerror cannot work with Elixir test files in .exs, which are not compiled. It requires normal modules compiled to .beam files. For this reason, we must update the configuration of our project to make sure that Concuerror test files are compiled.

We will first create a specific folder in our tests where our Concuerror test files will go:

mkdir -p test/concuerror

Then update the configuration in mix.exs with the following changes:

  def project do
      # ...
      elixirc_paths: elixirc_paths(Mix.env),
      test_pattern: "*_test.ex*",
      warn_test_pattern: nil

  defp elixirc_paths(:test), do: ["lib", "test/concuerror"]
  defp elixirc_paths(_), do: ["lib"]

The elixirc_paths tells Elixir which path should get compiled, depending on the current environment. Here, we're adding our concuerror folder when we're in the test environment.

The other two parameters are used to suppress warnings about test files that do not match the usual *_test.exs pattern, since our test files will be regular .ex files.

Note: we could decide to run the Concuerror tests in their own specific env, like test_concurrency for example. In that case there is no need suppress warnings if you never run mix test in that environment.

Running Concuerror tests

Writing a test

A Concuerror test will take the form of a normal Elixir module with a test function. Note that if you don't call the function test, you can use the --test option to choose another function.

defmodule MyModule.ConcurrencyTest do
  def test do
    # Operations to run

See the files in this repository if you need examples.

Running a test

First compile your modules:

MIX_ENV=test mix compile

To run concuerror, you must provide the name of the test module, the path to the Elixir binaries and the path to the compiled .beam files (on your local project):

concuerror \
  --pa <path_to_elixir_bin> \
  --pa <path_to_ex_unit_bin> \
  --pa <path_to_this_project_bin> \
  -m <your_test_module>

For example, on my machine, I would do:

concuerror \
  --pa /usr/lib/elixir/lib/elixir/ebin \
  --pa /usr/lib/elixir/lib/ex_unit/ebin \
  --pa _build/test/lib/concuerror_elixir_examples/ebin/ \
  -m Elixir.MyModule.ConcurrencyTest

Note that the module name must be prefixed with Elixir., since a module My.Module.Name actually corresponds to the atom :"Elixir.My.Module.Name".

The report of the test will be written to a file named concuerror_report.txt.


Since the command is a bit verbose and complex, I provided a simple bash script to avoid repeating these paths and the Elixir. prefix. For the previous example, it would look like:

./concuerror_test MyModule.ConcurrencyTest

You can adapt it to your needs.


Concuerror provides many options.

Here are a few of them that I found most useful:

  • --show_races true highlights the pair of racing instructions in the report.
  • --test <test_name> specifies the name of the test function, if it not equal to the default ("test").
  • --timeout <value> (default: 5000ms) a process is considered stuck in an infinite loop between two operations with side-effects, if this timeout is exceeded.
  • --keep-going keeps checking new interleavings even if an error was already found (by default it stops at the first error found).
  • --interleaving_bound <value> limits the number of tested interleavings to the given value (useful if there are too many interleavings to test).
  • --graph <file_name> outputs a graph of the event trace that led to an error (see next section to show the graph).

Show the graph (optional)

If you use the --graph option to generate a .dot file, you can convert it to an image using:

dot -Tpng > my_graph.png

# To show it from the terminal:
# eog my_graph.png


A simple Elixir project to test Concuerror






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