Please enjoy this dataset of Simpsons data, scraped from SimponsWorld.
This contains episodes and characters split out into yaml files, which gets boiled down to a json file, which gets loaded into Simpsons Optimizer.
- Change episode or character in the yaml files
- Open pull request
are shaped as follows:
title: String. Episode title.
season: Integer. Season number.
episode: Integer. Episode number.
description: String. Episode description from SimpsonsWorld.
disneyplus_id: String. Episode video identifier on DisneyPlus.
simpsonsworld_id: BigInt. Episode video identifier from SimpsonsWorld (legacy).
good: Boolean. Indicator of whether or not the episode is bad.
guest_stars: Array of strings. Strings are guest star's name.
There's a lot of episodes and seasons to go through and mark the good ones.
Episodes' goodness defaults to false. You can see what's still pending by running ./
spits out a json file with episodes.
There are current versions of these in the base directory for your convenience.
Please put in issues if you have anything you'd like to add.