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company-metrics-api is responsible for

  1. Persisting company metrics collection to database
  2. Company Metrics API has a single RESTful endpoint to GET company metrics and a single RPC (action based) endpoint to force a metrics recalculation
  3. Company Metrics API is a store for few different types of resource metrics: charges, officers and pscs.


Common commands used for development and running locally can be found in the Makefile, each make target has a description which can be listed by running make help

Target               Description
------               -----------
all                  Calls methods required to build a locally runnable version, typically the build target
build                Pull down any dependencies and compile code into an executable if required
clean                Reset repo to pre-build state (i.e. a clean checkout state)
deps                 Install dependencies
package              Create a single versioned deployable package (i.e. jar, zip, tar, etc.). May be dependent on the build target being run before package
sonar                Run sonar scan
test                 Run all test-* targets (convenience method for developers)
test-integration     Run integration tests
test-unit            Run unit tests

Running mongodb locally

From root folder of this project run docker-compose up -d

Makefile Changes

The analyse-pull-request job on concourse runs when we push code to an open PR and this job runs make test-unit AND make sonar-pr-analysis.

The issue with this is that make sonar-pr-analysis also ran make verify which runs both unit and integration tests.

Therefore, this meant the analyse-pull-request job on concourse was first running unit tests, then running them again, and finally running integration tests.

To prevent having to run the unit test twice, we can change the make test-unit command to run both unit and itests and change the make sonar-pr-analysis command to just run the sonar job.

For a more in-depth explanation, please see: