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Hola! Bienvenido al portal Comunidades Microsoft!

Si escribes sobre tecnologías Microsoft, tú perteneces aquí. Estaremos muy contentos de que seas parte de la comunidad y que puedas agregar tu blog como parte de nuestro feed siempre y cuando el contenido que está compartiendo no infrinja el código de conducta

Agrega tu blog tú mismo

Pautas para ser parte de este portal

  • Tener un blog y un RSS con urls válidos, ambos usando HTTPS con un certificado válido.
  • NO tengo contenido malicioso u ofensivo en mi blog (incluidas fotos, palabras ofensivas, etc.).
  • Mi blog está activo con al menos 3 publicaciones relacionadas con tecnologías Microsoft en los últimos 6 meses.
  • Si mi blog tiene contenido variado (artículos personales, artículos no relacionados) tendré agregar el tag "Microsoft" en mi contribución.
  • Si borras tu blog serás eliminado del portal de Comunidades Microsoft.
  • Tu blog puede ser eliminado en cualquier momento si alguna de estas pautas se rompe.

Cómo agregarme

Para ser parte de este portal tú tienes que hacer un fork de este proyecto, agregarte a la carpeta Authors como una clase, implementar la interfaz IAmACommunityMember. Si estás haciendo esto a través del editor de GitHub, no te olvides de agregar la clase al archivo .csproj.

El resultado debería verse algo así:

public class WilsonVargas : IAmACommunityMember
    public string FirstName => "Wilson";
    public string LastName => "Vargas";
    public string ShortBioOrTagLine => "al parecer es un zombie";
    public string StateOrRegion => "Trujillo, Peru";
    public string EmailAddress => "";
    public string TwitterHandle => "wilsonvargas_m";
    public string GravatarHash => "3544142bb4e";
    public string GitHubHandle => "wilsonvargas";
    public GeoPosition Position => new GeoPosition(47.643417, -122.126083);
    public Uri WebSite => new Uri("");
    public IEnumerable<Uri> FeedUris { get { yield return new Uri(""); } }

A few things:

  • Name the class after your first and lastname with PascalCase
  • The FirstName and LastName property should resemble that same name
  • ShortBioOrTagLine property can be whatever you like. If you can't think of anything choose: 'software engineer' or 'software engineer at Microsoft'. Please keep it short, like a 140 character tweet.
  • StateOrRegion will be your geographical location, i.e.: Holland, New York, etc.
  • EmailAddress, TwitterHandle and GitHubHandle should be pretty clear, TwitterHandle without the leading @
  • Position is your latitude and longitude, this allows you to be placed on the map on the Authors page
  • The Website property can be your global website or whatever you want people to look at
  • With FeedUris you can supply one or more URIs which resemble your blogs. Your blogs should be provided in RSS (Atom) format and of course be about Xamarin.
  • And finally FeedLanguageCode specifies in what lanuage the majority of your content will be. This is used to be able to apply filters to the feed. This language code should be in ISO 639-1 format
  • If you do not want your e-mailaddress publicly available but you do want to show your Gravatar go to and get your hash! If you don't fill the hash, you will be viewed as a silhouette.

If you also do some blogging about other stuff, no worries! You're fine! Just have a look at the next section on how to filter out your Xamarin specific posts.

Just Xamarin please

Per default PlanetXamarin implements a default filter looking for Xamarin in the title and categories (tags) you have on your blog posts. This behavior can be modified by implementing IFilterMyBlogPosts, where you can implement your own filtering logic. It could be that you want to disable all filtering because your blog is solely about Xamarin. Maybe, you run a Xamarin newsletter or podcast.

public class BruceWayne : IAmACommunityMember, IFilterMyBlogPosts
    // ... Author properties from the above class, removed for brevity

    public bool Filter(SyndicationItem item)
        // Here you filter out the given item by the criteria you want, i.e.
        // this filters out posts that do not have Xamarin in the title
        return item.Title.Text.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("xamarin");
        // This filters out only the posts that have the "xamarin" category
        // Not all blog posts have categories, please guard against this
        return item.Categories?.Any(c => c.Name.ToLowerInvariant().Equals("xamarin")) ?? false;
        // Of course you can make the checks as complicated as you want and combine some stuff
        return item.Title.Text.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("xamarin") && (item.Categories?.Any(c => c.Name.ToLowerInvariant().Equals("xamarin")) ?? false);

A small step for an author...

A big step for mankind! Last thing that remains is submit a Pull Request to us and whenever it gets merged: hooray! You're an author now!

Don't forget to incorporate the Featured on Planet Xamarin badge on your blog and link back to us!

Featured on Planet Xamarin Badge

Enjoy all of our great content!

Of course you are more than welcome to submit other features and bugfixes as well.


  • Thanks to Readify for open sourcing their employee blog aggregation platform which we forked to create PlanetXamarin. Looking for your next challenge? Readify is hiring and offers relocation services for developers from abroad.
  • Thanks to our awesome contributors and our community of authors who make this all possible.


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