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Contributor Setup

David Jellison edited this page Apr 4, 2018 · 51 revisions

Setting Up Development Environment

Initial Setup

brew update
brew cask install java
  • If on a Mac (El Capitan or later) add the following to ~.bach_profile to create the $JAVA_HOME system variable. Test it with echo $JAVA_HOME in terminal.
export JAVA_HOME="$(/usr/libexec/java_home)"

Fork Project :octocat:

  • Fork repository each of the repositories in the table above from the and clone your fork locally. Create a folder in your home directory to clone each of these projects into (e.g. ~./ctct_jira_utilities).
  • If you want to pull from the github constantcontact repo and push to your fork, then edit your local repo's .git/config to have this for the [remote "origin"] section
url =
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
pushurl = ssh://
push = refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
  • git checkout development (or whatever branch you're working on)
  • If you'll be working in eclipse
    • Run atlas-mvn eclipse:eclipse from the project folder to prepare the project for the eclipse IDE
    • Import the repo's directory into eclipse as an existing maven project
    • If you have an existing apache maven installed on your machine with a conf/settings.xml file which points to Artifactory (e.g. for working on other CTCT projects like QE TAF), then place another apache maven with a default settings.xml file in a separate location and ensure your eclipse > Window > preferences and your maven build run configuration are set to use this other apache maven.

Running Jira Locally

  • From the cloned project directory, run atlas-run to start a local instance http://localhost:2990/jira or http://_<yourhostname>_:2990/jira
  • Log in as admin:admin
  • Install Jira Agile from the "Agile" menu item (if no drop-down menu for Agile) by clicking "Agile" on the Jira menu bar. The installation will prompt you for Atlassian account information. Enter your credentials (create a new one from that site if you don't already have an account). This will generate and install a trial license to develop with.
    • This will add the Issue Types Bug, Improvement, and New Feature
  • Add the Issue Type "Support Request" from http://localhost:2990/jira/secure/admin/ViewIssueTypes.jspa
  • Create a Scrum project to test with (will include the Strum issue types and a Scrum workflow)
  • To reload new code from within the JIRA instance (instead of packaging and uploading a new jar), open an new terminal window to the project location and run atlas-package. Jira "QuickReload" will detect the new jar and automatically update your running instance locally.
    • Note: The property enableQuickReload is set in pom.xml and supersedes FastDev and FastdevCli methods.
  • Atlassian Wired Test Framework:
  • Use Ctrl+D in the terminal window Jira is running from to gracefully shut down Jira (Ctrl+C if need to force down).
  • When building the plugin, run atlas-clean, atlas-compile, atlas-package. This packages the lib jar classes inside the plugin.
    • Note: atlas-clean will reset your local JIRA instance's data.

Remote Debugging

  • Launch local Jira in debug mode (JIRA 7.0.0 requires Tomcat v7)
atlas-debug --jvm-debug-port 5005 --jvm-debug-suspend -c tomcat7x
  • This will pause once the transport dt_socket listening port 5005 is broadcast, so you can connect for remote debugging from your IDE
  • In your IDE, run the Debug configuration "Remote Java Application" to listen on localhost port 5005 for your project name with a Standard (Socket Attached) connection type.
  • Jira will continue to load
  • Browse to Jira http://localhost:2990/jira or http://_<yourhostname>_:2990/jira

Generate saved data

Generating saved data in your local database that survives atlas-clean to seed your local database.

  • Create and use test data:
    • Run Jira from the project folder atlas-run (or see debug mode above) and create sample data baseline
    • Stop Jira Ctrl+D
    • Create zip file of the test data atlas-create-home-zip
    • Copy zip to test resource folder cp target/jira/ src/test/resources
  • Use this data in the pom.xml file


This plugin uses memcache for VOC Defect Chart gadget rendering (see This requires the spymemcached client and memcache server(s) to be reachable. There are also multiple web clients to configure and monitor your memcached server.

Memcached Server

  • To run a local memcached server
    • install server brew install memcached
      • commands can be passed to homebrew memcached server in the configuration file "Program Arguments" array (Mac: ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.memcached.plist, linux: /etc/memcached.conf).
    • if other than localhost, configure or pass in the server URL with the -l parameter
    • run server /usr/local/opt/memcached/bin/memcached (alternatively brew services start memcached to launch and restart at login)
    • ps ux | grep memcached to see what port memcached is running on
    • test server: connect telnet localhost 11211, status, quit
    • brew services stop memcached to stop
    • you can also run the server with a different port directly... /usr/local/opt/memcached/bin/memcached -p 11212
    • if you change the port (default port 11211), then specify this port in the VOC Volume administration console
    • if you run into cache memory errors, then you can increase the heap space with the -m parameter (default is 64)

Memcached Client

  • Configure your memcached server URL and port address in the VOC Volume administration configuration page
  • If runtime error "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net.spy.memcached.MemcachedClient" then atlas-clean and atlas-package to reload the client into the project jar.