- https://redd.it/83d3lz
- CryptoPrimitive slack invite. Make sure to check out #weekend-hackathon!
Smart contracts should, in theory, make coordination easier.
Then, with Python's strength in rapid prototyping, we could build as we use them. So as I build a given interface, I could, say, open BP with a few keystrokes, and trust that it might get seen within the dev group and taken care of within minutes.
The focus will be on quickly building Python apps that the participants can use via command-line right away. We will begin by interfacing with the already-written contracts here: Burnable Payments, BurnChat, and CrowdServe. This should be accomplished at a basic level within the first few hours.
After that, the focus of the hackathon will be on making interaction easier and more fluid via Python command line or simple GUI.
brew install python3
pip3 install --upgrade pip
pip install web3 --pre
python3 burnable_payment.py
brew install pkg-config libffi autoconf automake libtool openssl # to complie https://github.com/ludbb/secp256k1-py
sudo touch /usr/local/LICENSE
sudo chown "Alex Nguyen" /usr/local/LICENSE
pip install populus
# - OR -
git clone https://github.com/ethereum/populus.git
pip install -e . -r requirements-dev.txt
populus init
brew tap ethereum/ethereum && brew install solidity # http://solidity.readthedocs.io/en/develop/installing-solidity.html
populus compile
populus deploy --chain tester Donator
pip install eth-utils==0.7.*
# install geth
brew tap ethereum/ethereum
brew install ethereum
# init new chain and run
populus chain new horton
# deploy contracts to the new chain (--no-wait-for-sync to use dummy Ether to run the transaction immediately)
populus deploy --chain horton Donator --no-wait-for-sync
populus deploy --chain horton Greeter --no-wait-for-sync
Populus does not ask you for the address and the ABI of the projects’ contracts: it already has the address in the registrar file at registrar.json, and the ABI in build/contracts.json
python3 scripts/donator.py