I'm Colin Gordon (he/him), a faculty member at Drexel University in the Department of Computer Science. I work on tools and techniques for software reliability, both in theory and practice (so, I write a lot of math and a lot of code). I also teach courses on software engineering, software testing, and distributed systems.
- My academic homepage is overe here
- I work on the Checker Framework, a framework for building extensions to Java's type system. The framework itself is in active use in industry (including the GUI Effect Checker, which I wrote during my PhD, and has since received some very nice extensions contributed by others).
- Before joining Drexel, I was a Senior Researcher at Samsung Research America, where I worked on ahead-of-time compilation of JavaScript
- The code metrics make it look like I wrote most of it, but I just made the first open source release commit; I mostly wrote the backend of the compiler and the runtime system
- Among other things during my PhD, I worked on using Liquid Haskell to verify lock-free algorithms; see here
- Prior to grad school, I worked on OS kernels at Microsoft, with undergrad internships in a filesystem group at NetApp and the Solaris Kernel Group at Sun Microsystems.