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添加 Luhn 算法模块实现
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- 在  模块中实现了 Luhn 算法。
- 添加了用于检查信用卡号有效性和生成校验位的函数。
- 包含了 Erlang 类型规范和注释,以提高代码清晰度和文档化水平。
- 创建了针对 、 和  函数的测试。
- 更新了 README,包含了模块的编译和运行指南。

- 添加了 luhn.erl 文件,其中包含了 Luhn 模块的实现。
- 更新了,包含了编译和运行模块的说明。
  • Loading branch information
ctkqiang committed Jun 4, 2024
1 parent 6f397fb commit 9c00746
Showing 1 changed file with 94 additions and 37 deletions.
131 changes: 94 additions & 37 deletions luhn.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
%% [作者] : 郑子强 <>
%% [作者] : 钟智强 <>
%% [项目] : 鲁恩算法

Expand All @@ -10,51 +10,55 @@
-export_type([digit/0, valid_char/0]).

%% 鲁恩算法,也称模10算法,是一种简单的校验和公式,用于验证各种身份证号码,如信用卡号,IMEI号码等。
%% Luhn Algorithm, the modulus 10 or mod 10 algorithm,
%% is a simple checksum formula used to validate a variety
%% of identification numbers, such as credit card numbers,
%% IMEI numbers.

%% 测试
% -include_lib("include/proper.hrl").

%% 类型
%% @type digit(). 数字是一个单一的十进制数字。
%% Types
%% @type digit(). A digit is a single decimal digit.
-type digit() :: 0..9.

%% @type valid_char(). 有效字符是`"0123456789 "'中的一个。
%% @type valid_char(). A valid char is one of `"0123456789 "'.
-type valid_char() :: 48..57 | 32.

%% @type parity(). 奇偶性是`even'`odd'
%% @type parity(). Parity is either `even' or `odd'.
-type parity() :: even | odd.

%% 检查卡号
check_luhn(卡号) ->
%% Inspection Card Number
check_luhn(CARD_NUMBER) ->
Fn = fun() ->
io:fwrite("卡号: ~p~n", [卡号]),
Len = len(卡号),
io:fwrite("Card Number: ~p~n", [CARD_NUMBER]),
Len = len(CARD_NUMBER),
% persistent_term:put(IS_SECOND, false),
log(Len) end,

%% @doc 给定一个`字符串',如果它代表一个有效的号码,则返回`true',根据鲁恩公式,否则返回`false'。
-spec valid(字符串::string()) -> Valid::boolean().
%% @doc Given a `String', return `true' if it represents a valid number,
%% per the Luhn formula, otherwise `false'.
-spec valid(String::string()) -> Valid::boolean().
valid(S) -> 0 =:= rem10(do_luhn(S, odd)).

%% @doc 给定一个`字符串',计算其校验位并将其附加到`字符串'。
-spec create(字符串::string()) -> Result::string().
%% @doc Given a `String', calculate its check digit
%% and return it appended to `String'.
-spec create(String::string()) -> Result::string().
create(S) -> S ++ [$0 + rem10(10 - do_luhn(S, even))].

%%% 内部函数
%%% Internal functions

%% @doc 等价于{@link check_digit/1}`(P, '{@link do_luhn/3}`(S, 0, 0)'
-spec do_luhn(字符串::string(), 奇偶性::parity()) -> CheckDigit::digit().
%% @doc Equivalent to {@link check_digit/1}`(P, '{@link do_luhn/3}`(S, 0, 0)'.
-spec do_luhn(String::string(), Parity::parity()) -> CheckDigit::digit().
do_luhn(S, P) -> check_digit(P, do_luhn(S, 0, 0)).

%% @doc 给定一个`字符串',`OddAcc'和`EvenAcc',返回两种`odd'和`even'奇偶性的校验位,作为元组。
%% @doc Given a `String', `OddAcc' and `EvenAcc', return check digits
%% for both `odd' and `even' parity, as a tuple.
%% @see check_digit/1
%% @see do_luhn/2
-spec do_luhn(字符串, 奇数累加, 偶数累加) -> {OddDigit,EvenDigit} when
字符串 :: string(),
-spec do_luhn(String, OddAcc, EvenAcc) -> {OddDigit,EvenDigit} when
String :: string(),
OddAcc :: non_neg_integer(),
EvenAcc :: non_neg_integer(),
OddDigit :: digit(),
Expand All @@ -66,20 +70,23 @@ do_luhn([C|Cs], O, E) when $0 =< C, C =< $9 ->
do_luhn([_|Cs], O, E) -> do_luhn(Cs, O, E);
do_luhn([], O, E) -> {O,E}.

%% @doc 返回给定{@link partity/0. parity} `P'的数值,即对于`奇数'为`1',对于`偶数'为`2'。

%% @doc Return the numeric value of a given {@link partity/0. parity} `P',
%% i.e. `1' for `odd' and `2' for `even'.
-spec parity(P::parity()) -> K::1 | 2.
parity(奇数) -> 1;
parity(偶数) -> 2.
parity(odd) -> 1;
parity(even) -> 2.

%% @doc 给定`奇偶性'和`{OddAcc,EvenAcc}=OddEvenTuple',返回适当的`CheckDigit'。
%% @doc Given a `Parity' and an `{OddAcc,EvenAcc}=OddEvenTuple',
%% return the appropriate `CheckDigit'.
%% @see do_luhn/3
-spec check_digit(奇偶性, 奇数偶数元组) -> CheckDigit when
奇偶性 :: parity(),
-spec check_digit(Parity, OddEvenTuple) -> CheckDigit when
Parity :: parity(),
OddEvenTuple :: {non_neg_integer(),non_neg_integer()},
CheckDigit :: digit().
check_digit(P, OE) -> rem10(element(parity(P), OE)).

%% @doc 返回`X rem 10'
%% @doc Return `X rem 10'.
-spec rem10(non_neg_integer()) -> digit().
rem10(X) -> X rem 10.

Expand All @@ -93,17 +100,67 @@ for(0, _) ->

[Term|for(N-1, Term)].

log(消息) ->
io:fwrite("卡号长度: ~p~n", [消息]).
log(MSG) ->
io:fwrite("The Length Of The Card Number: ~p~n", [MSG]).

%% 运行初始化匿名函数
%% Run Init Anonymous Function
start(CARD) ->
Fn = fun() ->
io:fwrite("鲁恩算法 \n"),
io:fwrite("Luhn Algorithm \n"),
check_luhn(CARD) end,
%%% 类型
%%% Types

%% @doc A PropEr type generator for a list of {@link digit(). digit}s,
%% such that `length(List) >= 3' and `hd(List) > 0'.
%% @see pos_digit/0
-spec digits() -> proper_types:raw_type().
digits() -> [pos_digit(),digit(),digit()|list(digit())].

%% @doc 一个{@link digit(). digit}s列表的PropEr类型生成器,
%% 使得`length(List) >= 3'和`hd(List) > 0'。
%% @doc A PropEr type generator for a digit `0..9'.
%% @see digits/0
%% @see pos_digit/0
-spec digit() -> proper_types:type().
digit() -> integer(0, 9).

%% @doc A PropEr type generator for a digit `1..9'.
%% @see digits/0
%% @see digit/0
-spec pos_digit() -> proper_types:type().
pos_digit() -> integer(1, 9).

%%% Helper functions

%% @doc Given a list of {@link digits/0. digits} `L',
%% if `length(L)' is odd, prepend `0', otherwise return `L'.
-spec maybe_pad([digit(),...]) -> [digit(),...].
maybe_pad(L) when 0 =:= length(L) rem 2 -> L;
maybe_pad(L) -> [0|L].

%% @doc Given a list of {@link digit/0. digits}, return its reversed string
%% representation, e.g. `"4312" = to_string([2,1,3,4])'.
-spec to_string([digit(),...]) -> [valid_char(),...].
to_string(Ds) -> foldr(fun (D, Acc) -> [$0+D|Acc] end, "", Ds).

%% @doc Return `true' iff {@link luhn:valid/1. luhn:valid/1}
%% returns the correct result for `L'.
%% @see prop_create/0
-spec valid1([digit(),...]) -> boolean().
valid1(L) -> (0 =:= rem10(sum(maybe_pad(L)))) =:= valid(to_string(L)).

%% @doc Return the sum, per the Luhn formula, of `Digits'.
-spec sum(Digits::[digit(),...]) -> non_neg_integer().
sum(L) -> last(L) + do_sum(droplast(L), 0).

%% @doc Implementation of {@link sum/1}.
-spec do_sum([digit()], non_neg_integer()) -> non_neg_integer().
do_sum([A,B|T], Acc) -> do_sum(T, Acc + norm(2*A) + B);
do_sum([A], Acc) -> Acc + norm(2*A);
do_sum([], Acc) -> Acc.

%% @doc Given a non-negative integer `N', subtract nine if `N >= 10',
%% otherwise return `N'.
-spec norm(N::non_neg_integer()) -> N1 :: digit().
norm(N) when N >= 10 -> N - 9;
norm(N) -> N.

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