Ever wonder what's the correct word for that one thing in the code? Browse through which is what in css, html and any other languages that you, dear professional are kind enough to add. There's some sample code, with a list of terminology in the sidebar. Clicking on the code highlights relevant terms in the sidebar. Clicking a term in the sidebar highlights relevant parts in the code.
The purpose of the app is to follow specifications closely, always preferring the most recent version of the specs. This is so all items in the vocabularies have strict and verifiable definitions. Some common terminology might be out of scope for the vocabulary list, as many common terms are used loosely or can sometimes mean different things. (Like names of common tricks or techniques, or some such.)
Issues, forks and all manner of feedback welcome! If you improve the code and send a pull request, please try to keep the code boneheadedly simple and understandable.
This project is a modified version of sakamies/vocabs and is currently a work in progress. While the original project used PHP, this project is a simple static site, so it can be hosted on GitHub Pages.
A lot of the functionality in the old project was removed to reduce complexity, such as the Grunt build process and scss files. Since reimplementing this (differently) is low priority, the project will likely remain in the current state for a while.