libjvlc is a library providing Java bindings for a subset of the libvlc
It also provides io.github.cyberpython.swing.VlcVideoView
which is a Swing
component that wraps an AWT Canvas component and the libvlc instance which renders
on it.
WARNING: Since AWT components are heavyweight a lot of Swing goodies are not available, such as transcluency etc. The use of an AWT component is mandated since libvlc requires a native window handle / ID to render the video on.
The library has been minimally tested and used and currently covers basic playback requirements (load, play, pause, stop a video, since this is all I currently need). Feel free to fork and expand on it.
Has been verified to work with VLC 2.2.2 on Ubuntu 16.04 and VLC 3.0.12 on Windows 10 Pro.
In your build dependencies include a dependency with the following attributes:
group: io.github.cyberpython
artifact: libjvlc
version: 0.0.2
e.g. in your build.gradle
file under dependencies
implementation group: 'io.github.cyberpython', name: 'libjvlc', version: '0.0.2'
In order to build the bindings you need JDK 8 or newer.
Clone the VLC source code in a directory named vlc
on the same level with the
root directory.
Go into the vlc
directory and checkout the tag / branch you wish to build the
bindings for.
Go into the libjvlc
directory and execute:
./gradlew build
This should produce the bindings using JNAerator and then modify them to work
with JNA 5.x (no JNAerator runtime required). The resulting JAR file should
be available in build/libs
A small example (with some known - and possibly a number of unknown - issues
such as not distinguishing properly between double and single clicks) can be
found in: src/main/java/io/github/cyberpython/swing/
You can run it after building the library with (you need to download the dependencies, i.e. Apache commons-lang3 and jna JARs into the same directory):
java -cp libjvlc.jar:commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:jna-5.8.0.jar io.github.cyberpython.libjvlc.swing.MediaPlayer <MEDIA_URI>
where <MEDIA_URI> is the URI for the media file / stream you want to play.
libjvlc is licensed under the terms of GNU LGPL v2.1 to match the license of libvlc.
The text of the license can be found in LICENSE