Web server to run cryptcheck, without scheduling, database, cache.
Provide one API similar to the one cryptcheck.fr:
- If there is no error, a similar JSON structure is returned.
{"service":"https", "host":"<host>", "pending":false, "result": <cryptcheck result>, "created_at": "<date time>", "updated_at": "<date time>", "args": 443}
- If one argument is invalid, the HTTP status code is 400, a json
{"status":400,"error":"Invalid port","error_message":"<port> is not a number"}
- If cryptcheck triggers an exception, the HTTP status code is 503:
{"status":503,"error":"Address not available","error_message":"Address not available - connect(2) for [<ip>]:443"}
- If the host don't have an IPv6 connectivity:
{"service":"https","host":"<host>","pending":false,"result":[{"hostname":"<host>","port":443,"error":"Network unreachable - connect(2) for [<ipv6>]:443"}],"created_at":"<timestamp>","updated_at":"<timestamp>","args":443}
make docker-build
make docker-run
docker run --rm -p 7000:7000 dalf/cryptcheck-backend:latest -o