Combine Census blocks into new shapes.
pipenv install census-map-consolidator
Create a list of Census block GEOIDs. That can be simple like this:
your_block_list = ["060371976001008", "060371976001009"]
Or read in from a file like this:
with open("test_data/dtla.csv", "r") as f:
your_block_list =
Import our class.
from census_map_consolidator import BlockConsolidator
Pass in the block list as arguments.
c = BlockConsolidator(*your_block_list)
Consolidate the blocks into a single shape. This can take a minute. Big shapefiles have to be downloaded.
Write out the new shape. You can do GeoJSON.
Or shapefiles.
That's it. You can inspect your work however you like. But geojsonio is handy.
geojsonio < your-new-shape.geojson