Notice: It works well with K3s. SSL cert is managed by cert-manager. You should edit the templates, if K8s is used to replace K3s.
# values.yaml
hostname: # Your derper hostname
replicaCount: 1 # Replica count, Suggest 1
mesh_with: # Mesh with other derper, if empty mesh is disabled
pskKey: # Mesh PSK key, must be same with other derper, 64 hex string at least
ingressAnnotations: # Ingress annotations letsencrypt traefik
Usage of derper:
-a string
server HTTPS listen address, in form ":port", "ip:port", or for IPv6 "[ip]:port". If the IP is omitted, it defaults to all interfaces. (default ":443")
-accept-connection-burst int
burst limit for accepting new connection (default 9223372036854775807)
-accept-connection-limit float
rate limit for accepting new connection (default +Inf)
-bootstrap-dns-names string
optional comma-separated list of hostnames to make available at /bootstrap-dns
-c string
config file path
-certdir string
directory to store LetsEncrypt certs, if addr's port is :443 (default "/home/user/.cache/tailscale/derper-certs")
-certmode string
mode for getting a cert. possible options: manual, letsencrypt (default "letsencrypt")
whether to run a DERP server. The only reason to set this false is if you're decommissioning a server but want to keep its bootstrap DNS functionality still running. (default true)
run in localhost development mode
-hostname string
LetsEncrypt host name, if addr's port is :443 (default "")
-http-port int
The port on which to serve HTTP. Set to -1 to disable. The listener is bound to the same IP (if any) as specified in the -a flag. (default 80)
-mesh-psk-file string
if non-empty, path to file containing the mesh pre-shared key file. It should contain some hex string; whitespace is trimmed.
-mesh-with string
optional comma-separated list of hostnames to mesh with; the server's own hostname can be in the list
whether to run a STUN server. It will bind to the same IP (if any) as the --addr flag value. (default true)
-stun-port int
The UDP port on which to serve STUN. The listener is bound to the same IP (if any) as specified in the -a flag. (default 3478)
-unpublished-bootstrap-dns-names string
optional comma-separated list of hostnames to make available at /bootstrap-dns and not publish in the list
verify clients to this DERP server through a local tailscaled instance.
version: "3.7"
image: dextercai/derper:latest
- ./cert:/app/cert
- 443:443
- 3478:3478/udp
command: ["-certdir=/app/cert", "-hostname=derp.****.com"]